
Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Common-Name X X.500 Common Name (RDN of this class)
Log-Filename The UNC Path Name of the Log File to log monitoring info for this config.
Monitored-Servers The list of DNs of Computer objects which represented monitored servers
Monitoring-Availability-Window The times during the week during when monitoring will escalate events
Monitoring-Escalation-Procedure The Escalation Procedure for this monitoring config..
Monitoring-Hotsite-Poll-Interval The Polling schedule for Hot Site Monitoring sites
Monitoring-Hotsite-Poll-Units The units used to determine when to poll hotsite monitored sties
Monitoring-Normal-Poll-Interval The Polling schedule for Normal Monitoring sites
Monitoring-Normal-Poll-Units The units used to determine when to poll normal monitored sties
Runs-On The list of DNs of Computer objects this config runs on - might be a backlink