Obtaining Class Information

Click Class Information to see more information about that class — specifically, the following elements and their values. Some of these elements are useful for those doing development work and some are not.

Details of Directory Schema Classes

Element Meaning
ClassName Name of the object’s class.
LDAPName Attribute name used by LDAP clients.
Boot System-level information assigned when the directory is populated. Not used by developers.
Space Part of the OID for this object. Values are X500 or ms (Microsoft). Not used by developers.
ClassID Part of the OID for this object. Not used by developers.
Package Part of the OID for this object. Not used by developers.
Rdn The relative distinguished name (RDN) of this object. Same as the object’s Common-Name.
SubOf The object’s parent in the inheritance hierarchy. The object inherits directly from this object.
Superiors Possible parents of the object in the DIT hierarchy. In other words, you can create an object of this (ClassName) class only under objects of the classes listed as Superiors.
Heuristics 0 = class is replicated between sites;
1 = class is not replicated between sites
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