
An O/R name consists of either a Directory Service Distinguished Name (DS-DN) or an O/R address. Thus if the DS-DN attribute has a value assigned, all values assigned to all other attributes (which compose an O/R address) are meaningless; but if the DS-DN attribute has no value assigned, then values should be assigned to at least some of the remaining attributes.

This OM object declaration is based on Table 57 of the X/Open X.400 API Specification, Version 2.0. Consult that specification for detailed descriptions of the meaning of each of the attributes in an O/R Address. For consistency with that specification we store domain-defined attributes in eight "small" multi-valued attributes of type String(Teletex) instead of in one "big" multi-valued attribute of type Domain-Defined-Attribute. But in a departure from X.400, instead of allowing Teletex or Printable strings as values for certain attributes, we allow only one of these two types per attribute.


This OM object is defined in the MSMSG package. It cannot be used unless the MSMSG package is loaded.

OM object declaration (in tabular form): OR-Name Attributes