Creating Recurring Appointments

Schedule+ allows you to define recurring appointments. The exact appointment dates are determined by a recurrence pattern that specifies on which days, weeks, months, or years the appointment recurs. Recurring appointments can be created only in the RecurringAppointments table.

    To create a recurring appointment
  1. Get the RecurringAppointments table from the global Schedule object.
  2. Use the New method to create a new item in the RecurringAppointments table.
  3. Set the desired properties on the item.
  4. Release the objects.

The following sample code creates a new appointment that recurs weekly on Tuesday and sets a reminder two days before the appointment:

Public Sub CreateRecurAppt()
    Dim objTable As Object
    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim dt As Date
    'Get the RecurringAppointments table from the global Schedule object.
    Set objTable = objSchedule.RecurringAppointments
    'Create a new item in the RecurringAppointments table.
    Set objItem = objTable.New
    'Set the desired properties on the item.
    dt = Now
    objItem.SetProperties Text:="Weekly Recurring Appointment" & Now(), _
        BusyType:=btfNormal1Busy, Ring:=True, AlarmAmount:=CLng(2), _
        AlarmTypeUnit:=CLng(2), BeforeEnd:=False, _
        RecurringType:=trecurWeekly, WeekInterval:=CLng(1), _
        DayOfWeekMask:=CLng(4), DayOfWeekStart:=CLng(0), _
        StartRecurringDate:=LConvertTo32bitDate(dt), _
        EndRecurringDate:=LConvertTo32bitDate(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, dt)), _
        StartRecurringTime:=LConvertTo32bitTime(DateAdd("h", 1, dt)), _
        EndRecurringTime:=LConvertTo32bitTime(DateAdd("h", 2, dt))
    'Release the objects.
    Set objItem = Nothing
    Set objTable = Nothing
End Sub