A meeting is an appointment that has attendees. Before you can create a meeting, Schedule+ must be running in group-enabled mode as a valid user.
Note The logged-on user does not need to be added as an attendee because that user is the meeting organizer.
The UserDisplay, UserEntryId, UserSearchKey, UserWell, IsUserDistributionList and AttendeeStatus properties are necessary for creating a single attendee. The first three are MAPI properties (PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRY_ID, and PR_SEARCH_KEY) on the Recipient object. Also, the PR_OBJECT_TYPE property is needed to determine whether a recipient is a Distribution List. For more information on these MAPI properties, the Recipient object, and Distribution Lists, see the MAPI Programmer's Reference.
The following sample code shows how to add attendees to an Appointment object:
Public Sub AddAttendee (objItem As Object)
Dim objAttendee As Object
Dim objMessage As Object
Dim objOneRecip As Object
Const ulPrSearchKey = 806027522 ' 0x300B0102
Const ulPrObjectType = 268304387 ' 0x0FFE0003
'Create a new attendee.
Set objAttendee = objItem.Attendees.New
'Create the recipient.
Set objMessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add
Set objOneRecip = objMessage.Recipients.Add
objOneRecip.Name = "Dave Whitney"
objOneRecip.Type = mapiTo
'Set recipient properties into an attendee.
objAttendee.SetProperties _
UserDisplay:=objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Name _
UserEntryId:=objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Id _
UserSearchKey:=objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Fields.Item(ulPrSearchKey), _
IsUserDistributionlist = CBool(objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Fields.Item(ulPrObjectType) = 8) _
UserWell:=1, _
'Release the objects.
Set objMessage = Nothing
Set objOneRecip = Nothing
Set objAttendee = Nothing
End Sub