Reading Appointments

The simplest way to read appointments is from the Appointments table, which automatically merges instances of single and recurring appointments.

    To read an appointment
  1. Get the Appointments table from the global Schedule object.
  2. Set the desired date range.
  3. Examine each row in the table.
  4. Release the objects.

The following sample code reads an appointment from the Appointments table:

Public Sub ReadAppts()
    Dim objTable As Object
    Dim objAppt As Object
    'Get the Appointments table from the global Schedule object.
    Set objTable = objSchedule.Appointments
    'Set the desired date range.
    objTable.SetRange #11/16/95#, #11/16/95#
    'Iterate over all the rows in the table.
    While Not objTable.IsEndOfTable
        Set objAppt = objTable.Item
        Debug.Print objAppt.Text, objAppt.Start, objAppt.End
    'Release the objects.
    Set objAppt = Nothing
    Set objTable = Nothing
End Sub