
The AttendeeStatus property returns the current status of a meeting attendee.

Applies To

Attendee object

Data Type





The AttendeeStatus property value should be set by Schedule+ and can have one of the following values.

Value Description
0 User has not been notified of the meeting.
1 Mail has been sent to the user, but a response has not been received.
2 User has responded to confirm attendance.
3 User has responded to decline attendance.
4 User has responded and is undecided about whether to attend.
5 All users have responded to indicate that they will attend.
6 All users have responded and at least one has confirmed attendance.

Values 0 through 4 are used for the AttendeeStatus property of Attendee objects. Values 5 and 6 are used for the AttendeeStatus property of Appointment objects.

See Also
