
The BeginTransaction method begins a transaction to buffer changes to a Schedule object.

Applies To

Schedule object






The BeginTransaction method begins a transaction within a schedule file. Beginning a transaction means that all changes to the Schedule object or to any of its child objects are not saved to disk until the EndTransaction method is called. Only one transaction can be open on a schedule at any one time. However, calls to BeginTransaction can be nested.

For example, if your application enables users to delete multiple items at once, you can call this method before deleting the items and call the RollbackTransaction method if an error occurs during the deletion. If no errors occur, the application can call EndTransaction, which commits the deletions.

Note It is important to call EndTransaction for each call to BeginTransaction.

If an error occurs, do not call the EndTransaction method. You must first call the RollbackTransaction method before continuing.

See Also
