The NWEXPORT_PARMS structure contains information for exporting Novell NetWare directories.

Quick Info

Header file: DAPI.H
Unicode: Yes

typedef struct
  DWORD             dwDAPISignature;
  DWORD             dwFlags;
  HWND              hwndParent;
  LPTSTR            pszExportFile;
  CALLBACKPROGRESS  ProgressCallBacks;
  ERROR_CALLBACK    ErrorCallback;
  EXPORT_CALLBACK   ExportCallback;
  LPTSTR            pszFileServer;
  LPTSTR            pszUserName;
  LPTSTR            pszPassword;


Verifies that the parameter sequence used by the calling application is the same as that expected by the directory function. The value should be set to DAPI_SIGNATURE, which is defined in the DAPI.H header file.
Defined values that control the directory export operation (see NWExport). Use the bitwise OR operator (|) to enable multiple operations:
Forces a Yes response on any user interface element that prompts the user for input.
Suppresses warning or error logging but logs start and stop messages.
Logs start, stop, and error messages.
Logs start, stop, error, and warning messages.
Suppresses the progress status update. (The default is to display progress.)
Suppresses display of all messages.
The window handle to use when displaying message boxes. Set this member to NULL to use the handle of the main window of the calling application.
Full pathname of the text file where the account information is exported.

If this file exists, an error is returned. NWExport ignores this member if ProgressCallBacks is not NULL.

A structure that contains pointers to functions that display the progress of the batch export operation.

If this member is NULL, NWExport assumes that the calling application does not supply its own progress updates and displays a default modeless dialog to display the operation’s progress.

Function address of a function to be called on each error encountered. If not supplied and NULL is passed, the default error handler is called. The error will then be written into the Windows NT Application Event Log.

If this member is NULL, NWExport calls the default error handler, which displays an error dialog window and posts the error into the Windows NT Application event log.

A structure that points to a function to be called when an error is encountered during the batch export operation.

If this member is NULL, NWExport writes the exported objects to the file specified by pszExportFile.

The name of the Novell NetWare file server where the user information is obtained.

If this member is NULL, NWExport uses the default file server for the NetWare network.

The user name to supply to the Novell NetWare logon process when connecting to the NetWare server.
The password to supply to the Novell NetWare logon process when connecting to the NetWare server.


The NWEXPORT_PARMS structure is a parameter to the NWExport function.

For additional information on this structure, see Using Directory Access Functions.

See Also
