Several sample translation DLLs are available in the Microsoft Exchange SDK, in the SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\ directory.
Source File | Function | Subdirectory |
IPM_IN.CPP | Translates RFC-822 messages into MAPI messages | IPM_IN |
IPM_OUT.CPP | Translates MAPI messages into RFC-822 messages | IPM_OUT |
TNEFDEC.C | Decodes a TNEF copy of the message from an embedded message | XLATCONV |
TNEFENC.C | Adds a TNEF copy of the message as an attachment | XLATCONV |
TOUPPER.C | Places message text in an attachment | XLATCONV |
TRIVIAL.C | Simplest possible message converter | XLATCONV |
You can use these conversions as examples for designing conversions for your gateway. You must design the input and output formats of the conversions for your gateway. The Microsoft Exchange Server conversion framework passes two void pointers through the conversion. These pointers can point at anything; typically you use them to point at the files from which your gateway creates input messages and to which it writes output messages. You need to document the use of these pointers so that third parties can develop conversions for your gateway.