
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The HTUI_ColorAdjustment function displays the default user interface for halftone color adjustment.

  LPWSTR pCallerTitle,
  LPWSTR pDefDIBTitle,
  PCOLORADJUSTMENT pColorAdjustment,
  BOOL ShowMonochromeOnly,
  BOOL UpdatePermission


Pointer to the title of the calling application or device. The value of pCallerTitle will be displayed in the Modify For dialog box. If the value of this parameter is NULL, no title is displayed.
Handle to the device independent bitmap (DIB). If hDefDIB is not NULL, the function will use this DIB as the default picture for color adjustment testing. If hDefDIB is NULL, one of three standard pictures is displayed for the user to adjust preferences. The picture displayed can be:
A string pointer to the DIB picture name or a description of the hDefDIB passed.
Pointer to the COLORADJUSTMENT data structure.
Limits the display to a monochrome version of the bitmap. This setting may be used if the output device is monochrome.
Update permission for the COLORADJUSTMENT structure. The UpdatePermission values are as follows.
Value Meaning
True Color adjustment is not limited to the current user interface. Changes to the COLORADJUSTMENT structure settings will be saved when exiting the halftone color adjustment user interface.
False Color adjustment is limited to the user's current session. The COLORADJUSTMENT structure is not changed.

Return Values

The HTUI_ColorAdjustment function returns one of the following LONG values.

Value Meaning
> 0 The user elected to update the COLORADJUSTMENT structure.
= 0 The user elected to cancel the update to the COLORADJUSTMENT structure.
< 0 An error occurred. The value given in the error message identifies a predefined error code.


Applications can either link to htui.dll or use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to obtain the location of htui.dll.


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winddi.h.

See Also

Colors Overview, Color Functions, COLORADJUSTMENT