The GetDC function retrieves a handle to a display device context for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen. You can use the returned handle in subsequent GDI functions to draw in the device context.

The GetDCEx function is an extension to GetDC, which gives an application more control over how and whether clipping occurs in the client area.

  HWND hWnd   // handle to a window


Handle to the window whose device context is to be retrieved. If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the device context for the entire screen.

Windows 98, Windows NT 5.0 and later: If this parameter is NULL, GetDC retrieves the device context for the primary display monitor. To get the device context for other display monitors, use the EnumDisplayMonitors and CreateDC functions.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the device context for the specified window's client area.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL.

Windows NT: To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The GetDC function retrieves a common, class, or private device context depending on the class style specified for the specified window. For common device contexts, GetDC assigns default attributes to the device context each time it is retrieved. For class and private device contexts, GetDC leaves the previously assigned attributes unchanged.

After painting with a common device context, the ReleaseDC function must be called to release the device context. Class and private device contexts do not have to be released. The number of device contexts is limited only by available memory.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Requires version 1.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in winuser.h.
  Import Library: Use user32.lib.

See Also

Device Contexts Overview, Device Context Functions, GetDCEx, ReleaseDC, GetWindowDC