The FORM_INFO_1 structure contains information about a print form. The information includes the print form's origin, its name, its dimensions, and the dimensions of its printable area.

typedef struct _FORM_INFO_1 { // fi1 
    DWORD Flags; 
    LPTSTR pName; 
    SIZEL  Size; 
    RECTL  ImageableArea; 


A set of bit-flags that specify form properties. The following bit-flags are defined.
Value Meaning
FORM_USER If this bit flag is set, the form has been defined by the user. Forms with this flag set are defined in the registry.
FORM_BUILTIN If this bit-flag is set, the form is part of the spooler. Form definitions with this flag set do not appear in the registry.
FORM_PRINTER If this bit flag is set, the form is associated with a certain printer, and its definition appears in the registry.

Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the form.
Specifies the width and height, in thousandths of millimeters, of the form.
Specifies the width and height, in thousandths of millimeters, of the form.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winspool.h.
  Unicode: Defined as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Printing and Print Spooler Overview, Printing and Print Spooler Structures, AddForm, GetForm, SetForm