[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The values of the BMFORMAT enumerated type are used by several ICM functions to indicate the format that particular bitmaps are in. The enumeration defines the following values:

Value Meaning
BM_1GRAY 1 bit per pixel.
BM_x555RGB 16 bits per pixel. RGB color space. 5 bits per channel. The most significant bit is ignored.
BM_x555XYZ 16 bits per pixel. CIE device-independent XYZ color space. 5 bits per channel. The most significant bit is ignored.
BM_x555Yxy 16 bits per pixel. Yxy color space. 5 bits per channel. The most significant bit is ignored.
BM_x555Lab 16 bits per pixel. L*a*b color space. 5 bits per channel. The most significant bit is ignored.
BM_x555G3CH 16 bits per pixel. G2CH color space. 5 bits per channel. The most significant bit is ignored.
BM_RGBTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the red, green, and blue values.
BM_BGRTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the blue, green, and red values.
BM_XYZTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the X, Y, and Z values.
BM_YxyTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the Y, x, and y values.
BM_LabTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the L, a, and b values.
BM_G3CHTRIPLETS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are for grayscale, and 8 bits apiece are used for the color channel values.
BM_8GRAY 32 bits per pixel. Only the 8 bit grayscale value is used.
BM_xRGBQUADS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are used for each color channel. The most significant byte is ignored.
BM_xBGRQUADS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are used for each color channel. The most significant byte is ignored.
BM_xG3CHQUADS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are used for each color channel. The most significant byte is ignored.
BM_CMYKQUADS 32 bits per pixel. 8 bits are used for each color channel.
BM_10b_RGB 32 bits per pixel. 10 bits are used for each color channel. The 2 most significant bits are ignored.
BM_10b_XYZ 32 bits per pixel. 10 bits are used for each color channel. The 2 most significant bits are ignored.
BM_10b_Yxy 32 bits per pixel. 10 bits are used for each color channel. The 2 most significant bits are ignored.
BM_10b_Lab 32 bits per pixel. 10 bits are used for each color channel. The 2 most significant bits are ignored.
BM_10b_G3CH 32 bits per pixel. 10 bits are used for each color channel. The 2 most significant bits are ignored.
BM_16b_RGB 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. Each of the 3 color channels uses 16 bits.
BM_16b_XYZ 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. Each of the 3 color channels uses 16 bits.
BM_16b_Yxy 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. Each of the 3 color channels uses 16 bits.
BM_16b_Lab 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. Each of the 3 color channels uses 16 bits.
BM_16b_G3CH 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. Each of the 3 color channels uses 16 bits.
BM_16b_GRAY 64 bits per pixel. 16 bits are used for the grayscale value. All other bits are ignored.
BM_565RGB 16 bits per pixel. 5 bits are used for red, 6 for green, and 5 for blue.


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in icm.h.