Alphabetical List of All ICM 2.0 API Functions

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following is a complete alphabetical list of the ICM 2.0 API functions provided by Windows and Windows NT.

Function or Structure Description
ApplyCallbackFunction Callback function that can be used to update ICM configuration data.
AssociateColorProfileWithDevice Associates a color profile with a device.
CheckBitmapBits Checks bitmap colors against a gamut.
CheckColors Checks colors against a device output gamut.
CheckColorsInGamut Checks if given colors are in a device's gamut.
CloseColorProfile Closes a profile.
CMCheckColors Checks colors against an output gamut.
CMCheckColorsInGamut Checks RGB triplets against an output gamut.
CMCheckRGBs Checks bitmap colors against an output gamut.
CMConvertColorNameToIndex Converts color names in a named color space to index numbers in a color profile.
CMConvertIndexToColorName Converts indices in a color space to an array of names in a named color space.
CMCreateDeviceLinkProfile Creates an ICC device link profile.
CMCreateMultiProfileTransform Creates a transform from an array of profiles.
CMCreateProfile Creates an ICC profile from a LOGCOLORSPACE structure (ANSI).
CMCreateProfileW Creates an ICC profile from a LOGCOLORSPACE structure (Unicode).
CMCreateTransform Creates a color transform (ANSI).
CMCreateTransformExt Creates an extended color transform (ANSI).
CMCreateTransformExtW Creates an extended color transform (Unicode).
CMCreateTransformW Creates a color transform (Unicode).
CMDeleteTransform Deletes a color transform.
CMGetInfo Returns information about a given CMM.
CMGetNamedProfileInfo Retrieves information about a named color profile.
CMGetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary Gets a PostScript color rendering dictionary.
CMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent Gets a PostScript color rendering intent.
CMGetPS2ColorSpaceArray Gets a PostScript color space array.
CMIsProfileValid Checks that a profile is a valid ICC profile.
CMTranslateColors Translates colors using a color transform.
CMTranslateRGB Translates an RGB color using a color transform.
CMTranslateRGBs Translates bitmap colors using a color transform.
CMTranslateRGBsExt Translates bitmap colors with callback progress reporting.
ColorCorrectPalette Corrects the entries in a palette for a device context.
ColorMatchToTarget Performs color mapping for preview purposes.
ConvertColorNameToIndex Converts color names in a named color space to index numbers in a color profile.
ConvertIndexToColorName Converts indices in a color space to an array of names in a named color space.
CreateColorSpace Creates a color space.
CreateColorTransform Creates a color transform.
CreateDeviceLinkProfile Creates an ICC device-link profile.
CreateMultiProfileTransform Creates a transform from multiple profiles.
CreateProfileFromLogColorSpace Creates a device profile from a logical color space
DeleteColorSpace Deletes a color space.
DeleteColorTransform Deletes a color transform.
DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice Disassociates a color profile from a device.
EnumColorProfiles Enumerates color profiles satisfying specified criteria.
EnumICMProfiles Enumerates output color profiles available for a given device context.
EnumICMProfilesProcCallback Application-defined callback function for EnumICMProfiles.
GetCMMInfo Identifies the CMM that created a transform.
GetColorDirectory Identifies the system color directory.
GetColorProfileElement Retrieves data from a given profile element.
GetColorProfileElementTag Retrieves the tag name from a profile element.
GetColorProfileFromHandle Retrieves the color profile contents given a handle to an open color profile.
GetColorProfileHeader Retrieves the header from a profile.
GetColorSpace Gets the current input color space in a device context.
GetCountColorProfileElements Counts the tagged elements in a profile.
GetDeviceGammaRamp Gets the gamma ramp from direct color display boards.
GetICMProfile Gets the current output color profile of a device context.
GetLogColorSpace Gets the LOGCOLORSPACE structure of a device context.
GetNamedProfileInfo Gets information from a named color profile and stores it in a NAMED_PROFILE_INFO structure.
GetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary Gets a PostScript color rendering dictionary.
GetPS2ColorRenderingIntent Gets a PostScript color rendering intents.
GetPS2ColorSpaceArray Gets a PostScript color space from a profile.
GetStandardColorSpaceProfile Retrieves a registered standard space profile.
ICMProgressProcCallback Application-supplied callback to report progress.
InstallColorProfile Installs a color profile for use in the system.
IsColorProfileTagPresent Checks that a given tag is present in a profile.
IsColorProfileValid Checks that a profile is a valid ICC profile.
OpenColorProfile Opens a profile and returns a handle to it.
RegisterCMM Registers a CMM for use by the system.
SelectCMM Specifies a preferred CMM to use.
SetColorProfileElement Writes data for a given profile element.
SetColorProfileElementReference Creates a tag that refers to existing tag data.
SetColorProfileElementSize Sets the size of a given profile element.
SetColorProfileHeader Sets the header information in a given profile.
SetColorSpace Sets a device context's input color space.
SetDeviceGammaRamp Sets the gamma ramp on direct color display boards.
SetICMMode Turns color management on or off in a device context.
SetICMProfile Sets the output color profile for a given device context.
SetStandardColorSpaceProfile Registers a profile for a standard color space.
SetupColorMatching Provides user control over color management by way of a dialog box.
TranslateBitmapBits Converts bitmap colors using a color transform.
TranslateColors Converts colors using a color transform.
UninstallColorProfile Uninstalls a color profile from the system.
UnregisterCMM Removes the CMM registration.