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Represents a description of the associated CHANNEL or ITEM parent element. Microsoft® Internet Explorer displays this text in a ToolTip to the right of the icon in the browser channel pane when the cursor is paused over the channel or item title.

When applied to the top-level CHANNEL element, the abstract should appear near the top of the CDF file before any ITEM or nested CHANNEL elements.

Specifies how white space, such as tabs, spaces, and blank lines, should be handled. The default behavior (XML-SPACE="DEFAULT") indicates that white space characters are not considered significant, and therefore some of these characters may be filtered out during file processing. Set the value of this attribute to "PRESERVE" to ensure that all white space characters are retained. This attribute can be used with any CDF element that uses significant white space. When used as an attribute of a parent element, the XML-SPACE value applies to all child elements unless specifically overridden with another XML-SPACE attribute.

Number of allowed occurrences: None or one
Parent elements Child elements

The ABSTRACT element can optionally be used as an attribute with the CHANNEL and ITEM elements to support previous implementations of CDF. Any new CDF files should use ABSTRACT as a child element.

The end tag </ABSTRACT> is required.


<ABSTRACT>This article describes how to create a CDF file.</ABSTRACT>

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