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Creates multiple sections when rules are needed between groups of table rows. If a table does not have a header or footer (does not have a THEAD or TFOOT element), the TBODY element is optional. The end tag is optional.
You can use the TBODY element more than once in a table. This is useful for dividing lengthy tables into smaller units and for controlling the placement of horizontal rules.
event = script
Parameter Description ALIGN=CENTER | LEFT | RIGHT Displays the element left flush, right flush, or centered relative to the display or table. BGCOLOR=color Sets the background color behind the element. For a complete list of colors, look at the Internet Explorer color table. CLASS=classname Specifies the class of the tag being defined. This is used to associate a sub-classed style sheet with the tag. ID=value An SGML identifier used as the target for hypertext links or for naming particular elements in associated style sheets. Valid ID values must begin with a letter. The underbar character, "_", may be used in the ID name. The ID should be unique throughout the scope of the document. If more than one object with the same identifier exists in a document, a collection of those named items is created that can only be referenced by ordinal position. LANG=language Specifies which language to use in ISO standard language abbreviation form. LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT | JSCRIPT | VBS | VBSCRIPT Specifies the language the current script is written in and invokes the proper scripting engine. The default value is JAVASCRIPT.
JAVASCRIPT, JSCRIPT The scripting language is written in JavaScript. VBS, VBSCRIPT The scripting language is written in VBScript. STYLE=css1-properties Specifies an in-line style sheet for the tag. TITLE=text Used to provide advisory information. The contents of the title attribute will be displayed in a ToolTip during the onmouseover event. VALIGN=BASELINE | BOTTOM | CENTER | TOP Displays the elements aligned at the top or bottom within the element.
BASELINE Vertical align to the baseline of the font. BOTTOM Vertical align to the bottom of the element. MIDDLE Vertical align to the middle of the element. TOP Vertical align to the top of the element. event Can be one or more of these events:
onclick ondblclick ondragstart onhelp onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onselectstart Remarks
This element is exposed for all tables, even if the table did not explicitly define a TBODY element.
This element is a block element.
The end tags are optional.
<TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> ... </TR> <TBODY> <TR> ... </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>Scripting Object
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