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Controls the appearance of the border frame around the table.


object.frame[ = frame]


Possible values include;
above Displays a border on the top side of the border frame.
below Displays a border on the bottom side of the table frame.
border Displays a border on all sides of the table frame.
box Displays a border on all sides of the table frame.
hsides Displays a border on the top and bottom sides of the table frame.
lhs Displays a border on the left side of the table frame.
rhs Displays a border on the right side of the table frame.
void Removes all outside table borders.
vsides Displays a border on the left and right sides of the table frame.


The default value for this property is void, that is, display no borders.

This property has read-write permissions, meaning you can change as well as retrieve its current value.

Applies To


See Also


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