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HRESULT SaveChanges(
    ULONG  ulFlags

Saves changes to the open mail user object. Note that the following properties may be calculated and changed at SaveChanges:

Bitmask of flags that control what happens to the object when the SaveChanges method is called. The following flags can be set:
FORCE_SAVE Writes changes to the object and closes it. Read-write access must have been set for the operation to succeed. This flag forces saving only if MAPI_E_OBJECT_CHANGED was returned from a preceding SaveChanges call. FORCE_SAVE overrides the previous changes made to the object.
KEEP_OPEN_READONLY Indicates the client requests changes be committed and the object be kept open for reading. This flag informs the provider that the object should not be modified and that the calling implementation will not call SaveChanges again. If the provider cannot keep the object open for read-only access, the entire call fails, changes are not saved, and MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS is returned.
KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE Indicates the client requests changes be committed and the object be kept open for read-write access. This flag is usually set when the object was initially opened for read-write access. After calling SaveChanges, the client can make further changes to the object if this flag is passed. If the provider cannot keep the object open for read-write access, the entire call fails, changes are not saved, and MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS is returned.
MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS Currently not supported by Internet Explorer Address Book.

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