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typedef struct _SSortOrderSet { 
    ULONG      cSorts;
    ULONG      cCategories;
    ULONG      cExpanded;
    SSortOrder aSort[MAPI_DIM];
    } SSortOrderSet, FAR *LPSSortOrderSet;

Defines a collection of sort keys for a table to be used for standard or categorized sorting.

Count of SSortOrder structures that are included in the aSort member.
Count of columns that are designated as category columns. Possible values range from zero, which indicates a non-categorized or standard sort, to the number indicated by the cSorts member.
Count of categories that start in an expanded state, where all the rows that apply to the category are visible in the table view. Possible values range from zero to the number indicated by cCategories.
Array of SSortOrder structures, each defining a sort order.

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