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HRESULT Register(
    DWORD dwReserved,      //Reserved for future use
    IUnknown piunk,        //Object being registered
    IMoniker * pimk,       //Moniker interface pointer of the object being registered
    DWORD * pdwRegister    //Receives the registration value

Registers an object with the browse context.

[in] Reserved for future use; must be set to zero by the caller. To ensure compatibility with future use, the callee must not check for zero.
[in, unique] The object being registered.
[in, unique] Address of the IMoniker interface pointer that identifies the object being registered.
[out] Address of a location to return a value identifying the registration, which can be used to subsequently revoke the registration.

See also HlinkCreateBrowseContext, IHlinkBrowseContext::Close, IHlinkBrowseContext::Revoke

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