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HRESULT OnNavigationComplete(
    DWORD dwSiteData,    //Site data for the hyperlink object
    DWORD dwReserved,    //Reserved for future use
    HRESULT hrError,     //Result of the hyperlink navigation
    LPCWSTR pwzError     //Description of the failure, if any

Notifies the hyperlink site that a hyperlink navigation has been successful.

[in] Used to identify the hyperlink to the hyperlink site. The hyperlink site initializes the hyperlink with this value as part of IHlink::SetHlinkSite.
[in] Reserved for future use; must be set to zero by the caller. To ensure compatibility with future use, the callee must not check for zero.
[in] Result of the hyperlink navigation. Either S_OK for success, or E_ABORT or E_FAIL for failure.
[in] Address of the string describing the failure that occurred.

This notification is particularly useful if the hyperlink has been navigated asynchronously, because it is the only notification the hyperlink receives to realize that hyperlinking has completed.

See also HlinkOnNavigate, IHlinkBrowseContext::OnNavigateHlink, IHlinkFrame::OnNavigate

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