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    DWORD dwID,
    IOleInPlaceActiveObject FAR *pActiveObject,
    IOleCommandTarget FAR *pCommandTarget,
    IOleInPlaceFrame FAR *pFrame,
    IOleInPlaceUIWindow FAR *pDoc

Allows the host to replace the IE4/MSHTML menus and toolbars.

Reserved for future use.
IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface of the currently active object.
IOleCommandTarget interface of the object.
IOleInPlaceFrame interface of the object. This is needed for menus and toolbars.
IOleInPlaceUIWindow interface for the object. This is needed for toolbars.

This method is called just before IE4/MSHTML displays its menus and toolbars. If the host returns S_FALSE from this method, IE4/MSHTML does not display its UI and assumes that the host is handling the UI.

If the host makes use of any of the interfaces handed to it as part of this function, it should call the interface's AddRef method if it is to be saved for later use. If the host calls the interface's AddRef method, it must also call the interface's Release method when the interface is no longer required.

A host can disable modeless UI on IE4/MSHTML by calling IOleCommandTarget::Exec with IDM_DISABLEMODELESS and IDM_ENABLEMODELESS.

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