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DWebBrowserEvents2 designates an event sink interface that an application must implement in order to receive event notifications from a WebBrowser control or from the Internet Explorer application.

Methods in Vtable Order

DWebBrowserEvents2 methods Description
StatusTextChange Occurs when the status bar text has changed.
ProgressChange Occurs when the progress of a download operation is updated.
CommandStateChange Occurs when the enabled state of a command changes.
DownloadBegin Occurs when a navigation operation is beginning, shortly after the BeforeNavigate2 event, unless the navigation is canceled.
DownloadComplete Occurs when a navigation operation finishes, is halted, or fails.
TitleChange Occurs when the title of a document in the WebBrowser control becomes available or changes.
PropertyChange Occurs when the IWebBrowser2::PutProperty method changes the value of a property.
BeforeNavigate2 Occurs when the WebBrowser control is about to navigate to a new URL.
NewWindow2 Occurs when a new window is to be created for displaying a resource.
NavigateComplete2 Occurs after the browser has successfully navigated to a new location.
DocumentComplete Occurs when the document being navigated to is ready.
OnQuit Occurs when the Internet Explorer application is ready to quit.
OnVisible Occurs when the window for the WebBrowser should be shown/hidden.
OnToolBar Occurs when the ToolBar property has changed.
OnMenuBar Occurs when the MenuBar property has changed.
OnStatusBar Occurs when the StatusBar property has changed.
OnFullScreen Occurs when the FullScreen property has changed.
OnTheaterMode Occurs when the TheaterMode property has changed.

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