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Anchor elements designate the start or destination of a hypertext link. The Anchor element requires the href or the name property to be specified.

Text and/or images can be within an anchor. To represent images that are anchors, a border in the visited or not visited color is displayed.

IHTMLAnchorElement Methods
blur   focus   get_accessKey  
get_hash   get_host   get_hostname  
get_href   get_Methods   get_mimeType  
get_name   get_nameProp   get_onblur  
get_onfocus   get_pathname   get_port  
get_protocol   get_protocolLong   get_rel  
get_rev   get_search   get_tabIndex  
get_target   get_urn   put_accessKey  
put_hash   put_host   put_hostname  
put_href   put_Methods   put_name  
put_onblur   put_onfocus   put_pathname  
put_port   put_protocol   put_rel  
put_rev   put_search   put_tabIndex  
put_target   put_urn  

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