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    VARIANT name,
    VARIANT index,
    IDispatch **pdisp

Retrieves an object or a collection from the given collection. The name determines which action to take.

VARIANT structure containing a string or value specifying the object or collection to retrieve. If this parameter is a number, the method returns the object in the collection at the given position, where the first object has value 0, the second has 1, and so on. If this parameter contains a string, the method returns a collection of objects, where the value of the name or id property for each object is equal to the string.
VARIANT structure containing a value specifying the position of an object to retrieve. This parameter is used when name is a string. The method uses the string to construct a collection of all objects that have a name or id equal to the string, then retrieves from this collection the element at the position specified by index.
Address of the IDispatch interface of the collection or object.

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