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HRESULT get_lowsrc(
    BSTR *p

Retrieves the URL of a lower-resolution image to display.

Address of a variable that receives the URL.

Setting the SRC= attribute in code has the side-effect of actually starting to load the new URL into the image area (and aborting the transfer of any image data that is already loading into the same area). Therefore, you should alter the lowsrc property before setting the src property. If the URL in the src property refers to an image that is not the same size as the image cell it is loaded into, the source image is scaled to fit.

See also put_lowsrc

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HRESULT put_lowsrc(
    BSTR v

Specifies the URL of a lower-resolution image to display.

String specifying the URL.

Setting the SRC= attribute in code has the side-effect of actually starting to load the new URL into the image area (and aborting the transfer of any image data that is already loading into the same area). Therefore, you should alter the lowsrc property before setting the src property. If the URL in the src property refers to an image that is not the same size as the image cell it is loaded into, the source image is scaled to fit.

See also get_lowsrc

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