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HRESULT get_listStyleImage( 
    BSTR *p 

Retrieves the value of the CSS list-style-image attribute for the element.

Address of a variable that receives the value of the attribute, which can be either "none" or the URL of the image used as the list-item marker. See list-style-image for details. The variable receives NULL if the attribute is not set.

The list-style-image attribute is applicable only on elements that have the display attribute set to "list-item".

See also put_listStyleImage

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HRESULT put_listStyleImage(
    BSTR v 

Sets the value of the CSS list-style-image attribute for the element. The attribute sets the image to use as the list-item marker. When the image is available, it replaces the marker.

String specifying the value of the attribute. Can be either "none" or the URL of an image. See list-style-image for details. Set this parameter to NULL to remove the attribute.

The list-style-image attribute is applicable only on elements that have the display attribute set to "list-item".

See also get_listStyleImage

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