*Contents  *Index  *Topic Contents
*Previous Topic: Web Publishing Programmer's Reference
*Next Topic: The Web Publishing API


The following text formats are used throughout this document.
Bold text Denotes a term or character to be typed literally, such as a predefined data type or function name (HWND or GetExtendedError.) You must type these terms exactly as shown.
Italic text Denotes a placeholder or variable. You must provide the actual value. For example, the statement SetCursorPos(X, Y) requires you to substitute values for the X and Y parameters.
SMALL CAPITALS Indicates the names of keys, key sequences, and key combinations—for example, ALT+SPACEBAR.
FULL CAPITALS Indicates most type and structure names, which are also bold, and constants.
monospace Sets off code examples and shows syntax spacing.
[] Encloses optional parameters.
| Separates an either/or choice.

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