IMSAdminBase Errors

Error codes returned by IIS Admin Base Object are HRESULTS. The errors beginning with MD_ are already HRESULTS, whereas the Win32® errors, beginning with ERROR_, are converted to HRESULTS by the RETURNCODETOHRESULT macro. The conversion adds 80070000 to the Win32® error code. Other COM and RPC HRESULTS can also be returned.

The following error codes are specific to the Metadata Key.

Error Code Description
MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified data was not found in the metabase.
MD_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION The version specified in metadata storage was not recognized.
MD_WARNING_DUP_NAME A key or data was specified more than once. The duplicate was ignored.
MD_WARNING_INVALID_DATA The specified data is invalid and has been ignored.
MD_WARNING_PATH_NOT_FOUND The specified key path was not found. The key and its associated metadata were ignored.