
The IMSAdminReplication::GetSignature method, called on the source computer and all target computers, returns your custom designed signature that indicates the current state of data on the responding computer. Iissync.exe uses the signatures provided by the source and target computers to determine if replication is necessary. You may use checksums, date and time stamps, file lists, or any other indicators that specify the state of data that you want to be synchronized.

    /* [in] */ DWORD dwBufferSize, 
    /* [size_is][out] */ unsigned char __RPC_FAR *pbBuffer, 
    /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredBufferSize 
) = 0; 


Receives the size, in bytes, of pbBuffer.
Points to a buffer that contains the custom signature calculated by your replication extension, if dwBufferSize is sufficient to contain the signature.
Points to a DWORD that contains the required buffer size for pbBuffer to contain your signature. Provide this value whether or not dwBufferSize is sufficient.

Return Values

Return NOERROR if dwBufferSize is sufficient and pbBuffer contains your signature. If dwBufferSize is insufficient, return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) so that iissync.exe can call your method again with a buffer at least as large as you specify in pdwMDRequiredBufferSize. If you return any other error code from a target computer, the replication process will be terminated for that target. If you return any other error code from the source computer, the entire replication process will be terminated.

See Also

IMSAdminReplication::Propagate, IMSAdminReplication::Propagate2, IMSAdminReplication::Serialize, IMSAdminReplication::DeSerialize