
You can use the AppDisableRecursive method of the IIsWebVirtualDir object to disable Web applications that are running out-of-process. The applications at the specified key and at all subordinate keys will be disabled. All of the application resources are released and the application processes are terminated. Attempts to access this application will fail. You can use the AppEnableRecursive method to re-enable disabled applications. You use the AppDisableRecursive and AppEnableRecursive methods primarily when moving, copying, or renaming metabase keys. This method has no effect if the applications are running in-process.



Code Example

Dim VDirObj 
Set VDirObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MyAppVDir") 
' Disable the application at this directory 
' and at all subordinate directories 

See Also

AppCreate, AppDelete, AppDeleteRecursive, AppUnload, AppUnloadRecursive, AppGetStatus, AppDisable, AppEnable, AppEnableRecursive