
The DeleteMapping method of the IIsCertMapper object deletes an existing certificate mapping. Four seek methods are available to search for the mapping.


IIsCertMapper.DeleteMapping IMethod, vKey 


Specifies the seek method to use for searching the mappings. Valid seek methods are 1, 2, 3, or 4. Seek method 1 specifies search by certificate, seek method 2 searches by name, method 3 searches by Windows NTŪ account, and method 4 searches by a 1-based numeric string index (for example "1", "2", and so on).
Specifies the key to use in the search specified by IMethod. For seek method 1, vKey specifies a certificate. For seek method 2, vKey specifies a name. For seek method 3, vKey specifies a Windows NT account. For seek method 4, vKey specifies a numeric string index (for example, "1", "2", and so on).

Code Example

Dim CertObj 
Set CertObj = GetObject("IIS://..path../IIsCertMapper") 
' Search by Windows NT account 
CertObj.DeleteMapping 3, "MYACCT" 

See Also

CreateMapping, GetMapping, SetEnabled, SetName, SetPwd, SetAcct