
The IIsCertMapper object manages mapping of client certificates and Windows NTŪ user accounts. The client certificate is mapped to the Windows NT Account, Windows NT Password, Friendly Name, and an Enabled flag. This object is not involved in setting inheritable properties in the metabase.

IIsCertMapper is an ADSI object, but not an ADSI Container object. See ADSI Features for more information.



Where MachineName can be any name or "LocalHost".


varReturn = IIsCertMapper.{Method}


A variable that receives the return value from the method.
The object method chosen.


ADSI Object Methods Standard methods for ADSI objects
Common Object Methods Methods, other than ADSI methods, common to all IIS Admin Objects
CreateMapping Creates a mapping between a certificate and a Windows NTŪ account
DeleteMapping Deletes an existing certificate mapping
GetMapping Retrieves an existing certificate mapping
SetAcct Sets a new value for the Windows NTŪ account string in an existing certificate mapping
SetEnabled Enables or disables an existing certificate mapping
SetName Sets a new value for the name string in an existing certificate mapping
SetPwd Sets a new value for the Windows NTŪ password string in an existing certificate mapping