This identifier specifies a string that is used by IIS to determine what network endpoints are used by the server instance. The string format is IP:Port:Hostname. Both the IP and Hostname parameter of the string are optional. Any unspecified parameters default to an all-inclusive wildcard.
Data type | MULTI_SZ |
Default inheritance | Inheritable |
User type | IIS_MD_UT_SERVER |
:21: for FTP Service
This identifier is available at the following metabase keys:
Metabase Path | Key Type |
/LM/MSFTPSVC | IIsFtpService |
/LM/MSFTPSVC/n | IIsFtpServer |
/LM/W3SVC | IIsWebService |
/LM/W3SVC/n | IIsWebServer |
Both the IP and Hostname parameter of the string are optional. Any unspecified parameters default to an all-inclusive wildcard. Thus, the default value, :80:, enables IIS to bind to any and all network nodes with the port equal to 80, no matter what the IP address or host name of the remote machine.