This identifier indicates whether a CGI application runs in its own console window. If the value is TRUE, each CGI application creates a new console window when started. A FALSE value indicates that CGI applications should run without a console window.
Data type | DWORD |
Default inheritance | Inheritable |
User type | IIS_MD_UT_FILE |
This identifier is available at the following metabase keys:
Metabase Path | Key Type |
/LM/W3SVC | IIsWebService |
/LM/W3SVC/n | IIsWebServer |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT | IIsWebVirtualDir |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/WebVirtualDir | IIsWebVirtualDir |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory | IIsWebDirectory |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory/WebFile | IIsWebFile |
This identifier has significant performance impacts, and should only be set to TRUE if the application relies on piping from another application.