This identifier allows an application to give the server commands to stop, start, pause, or continue. Applications can test the identifier MD_SERVER_STATE to determine if the server has responded to a command issued via the identifier MD_SERVER_COMMAND.
Data type | DWORD |
Default inheritance | Inheritable |
User type | IIS_MD_UT_SERVER |
Constant | Value | Description |
MD_SERVER_COMMAND_START | 0x00000001 | Send start command |
MD_SERVER_COMMAND_STOP | 0x00000002 | Send stop command |
MD_SERVER_COMMAND_PAUSE | 0x00000003 | Send pause command |
MD_SERVER_COMMAND_CONTINUE | 0x00000004 | Send continue command |
This identifier is available at the following metabase keys:
Metabase Path | Key Type |
/LM/MSFTPSVC/n | IIsFtpServer |
/LM/W3SVC/n | IIsWebServer |
If the server encounters an error while changing states, the MD_WIN32_ERROR identifier will be set to the appropriate failure code.