FTP Property Inheritance

This chart shows the properties associated with the IIS FTP services. For each property you can see the default setting of its inheritance attribute and the IIS Admin Objects you can use to access the value of the property in the metabase. The inheritance is indicated as:

Inh Inherits
Inh Contained in another inherited property
Inh* Contains more than one property
NoAtt Does not inherit

Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir
AccessFlags Inh x   x x
AccessRead Inh* x   x x
AccessWrite Inh* x   x x
AdminACL Inh x   x  
AllowAnonymous Inh x   x  
AnonymousOnly Inh x   x  
AnonymousPasswordSync Inh x   x  
AnonymousUserName Inh x   x  
AnonymousUserPass Inh x   x  
ConnectionTimeout Inh x   x  
DefaultLogonDomain Inh x   x  
DirectoryLevelsToScan NoAtt x      
DontLog Inh x   x x
DownlevelAdminInstance NoAtt x      
ExitMessage Inh x   x  
GreetingMessage Inh x   x  
IPSecurity Inh x   x x
KeyType NoAtt x x x x
LogAnonymous Inh x   x  
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir
LogExtFileBytesRecv Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileBytesSent Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileClientIp Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileComputerName Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileCookie Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileDate Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileFlags Inh x   x  
LogExtFileHttpStatus Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileMethod Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileProtocolVersion Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileReferer Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileServerIp Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileServerPort Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileSiteName Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileTime Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileTimeTaken Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileUriQuery Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileUriStem Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileUserAgent Inh* x   x  
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir
LogExtFileUserName Inh* x   x  
LogExtFileWin32Status Inh* x   x  
LogFileDirectory Inh x   x  
LogFilePeriod Inh x   x  
LogFileTruncateSize Inh x   x  
LogModuleList Inh   x    
LogNonAnonymous Inh x   x  
LogOdbcDataSource Inh x   x  
LogOdbcPassword Inh x   x  
LogOdbcTableName Inh x   x  
LogOdbcUserName Inh x   x  
LogPluginClsId Inh x   x  
LogType Inh x   x  
MaxClientsMessage Inh x   x  
MaxConnections Inh x   x  
MaxEndpointConnections Inh x   x  
MSDOSDirOutput Inh x   x  
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir
Path Inh       x
Realm Inh x   x  
ServerAutoStart Inh x   x  
ServerBindings Inh x   x  
ServerComment Inh x   x  
ServerListenBacklog Inh x   x  
ServerListenTimeout Inh x   x  
ServerSize Inh x   x  
ServerState Inh     x  
UNCPassword Inh       x
UNCUserName Inh       x