[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The CIPROPERTYDEF structure contains information about the friendly name, type, and DBID of a property.

typedef struct tagCIPROPERTYDEF
    LPWSTR wcsFriendlyName;
    DWORD  dbType;
    DBID   dbCol;


Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the friendly name for a property. The friendly name can be used in an Index Server query, column list, or sort order parsed by CITextToSelectTree and CITextToFullTree. Friendly names must be defined in uppercase.
The data type for the property. This type is used when building a DBCOMMANDTREE restriction node. The same property with different friendly names can have different types. Its value must either be an OLE DB DBTYPEENUM or a PROPVARIANT variant type.
The property identifier for the property. Refer to the OLE DB Programmer's Reference for information about DBID structures. Index Server properties must be either DBKIND_GUID_NAME or DBKIND_GUID_PROPID.