"Well-Known" Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

There are a set of "well-known" properties that are pre-defined in OLE DB. These properties are identified by GUIDs and used in property_list_element nodes.

Property Description DBTYPE Allowable values
Specifies whether updates are allowed that affect rows other than the one specified (i.e., update via view affects more than one row in a participating base table). BOOL TRUE - Local update checking only.

FALSE - Cascaded update checking.

Specifies when a constraint is checked for violation. BOOL FALSE - Constraint checked immediately (INITIALLY IMMEDIATE).
TRUE - Constraint check deferred (INITIALLY DEFERRED).
A variant specifying the default value for an object (typically a domain or column). If the default value is a string, the string must be quoted (with the value returned for DBLITERAL_QUOTE in DBInfo::GetLiteralInfo) so it can be distinguished from an object of the same name. For example, 'Salary' is a string, Salary is an object (such as a column). VARIANT Any value.
DB_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION A string specifying a "human-readable" description (of the specified object). LPWSTR Any text string.
Specifies the drop behavior when a database object is dropped. A value of FALSE(RESTRICT) will cause the drop command to fail if other referencing objects exist in the database. A value of TRUE(CASCADE) will drop all objects, related to the object being dropped, that exist in the database. BOOL FALSE - RESTRICT drop behavior
TRUE - CASCADE drop behavior
BOOL TRUE - Rows in a temporary table and not deleted when transaction is committed.

FALSE - Rows in a temporary table are deleted when transaction is committed.

DB_PROPERTY_NULLABLE Specifies whether a set of values can contain a NULL value. BOOL FALSE - NULL is not allowable
TRUE - NULL is allowable
DBINIT_OPT _CLSID CLSID of the data provider's DSO. GUID
DBINIT_OPT_MONIKER Pointer to a moniker to the data provider. *pMoniker
DBINIT_OPT_LOCATION The location of the database to connect to.

Typically, a server name.

DBINIT_OPT_NAME The name of the database to connect to. This could be either the full path-name of the database file or some other name that identifies the database within the provider. LPWSTR
DBINIT_OPT_USERID User-Id to be used when connecting to the provider. LPWSTR
DBINIT_OPT_PASSWORD Password to be used when connecting to the provider. LPWSTR
DBINIT_OPT_STRING A general purpose string which includes all the connection parameters in a format understood by the provider (e.g. ODBC connect string). LPWSTR
DBPROP_AUTOINCREMENT Specifies whether the values of the column are autoincrementing. BOOL TRUE - The values of the column are autoincrementing.

FALSE - The values of the column are not autoincrementing.

DBPROP_UNIQUE Whether values of the column must be unique in the table. BOOL TRUE - The values of the column must be unique within the table.

FALSE - The values of the column can be repeated within the table.

DBPROP_PRIMARYKEY Whether the column is part of the primary key. BOOL TRUE - The column is part of the primary key of the table.

FALSE - The column is not part of the primary key of the table.