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AFC Skeleton

// A minimal AFC application skeleton designed to function 
// as an applet or as a stand-alone application.

import java.awt.*;

// Bridge class for AFC applet
public class AFCSkeleton extends AwtUIApplet
    // Constructor
    public AFCSkeleton ()
        // Create instance of applet implementation
        super (new AFCSkeletonImplementation ());
    // Stand-alone application entry point
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Create a frame to contain applet
        AFCSkeletonFrame f = new AFCSkeletonFrame ("AFC Skeleton Application");
        f.setVisible (true);
        f.setSize (320, 200);

        // Create instance of applet implementation and add to frame
        AFCSkeletonImplementation applet = new AFCSkeletonImplementation ();
        f.add (applet);

        // Stand-alone application must explicitly call init() 
        applet.init ();

    // Add pass-through methods for scriptable applet methods here
    public String getInfo () {return (((AFCSkeletonImplementation) getUIApplet ()).getInfo ());}

// Class for applet implementation
class AFCSkeletonImplementation extends UIApplet
    // Applet entry point
    public void init()
        setBackground (FxColor.cyan);

        // Add additional components here

    public String getInfo ()
        String s = "Info about AFCSkeleton.class\r\n";
        s += "Version: 1.0\r\n";
        return s;

// Stand-alone application only.
class AFCSkeletonFrame extends UIFrame
    // Constructor
    public AFCSkeletonFrame(String str)
        super (str);

    public boolean handleEvent (Event e)
        switch (
        case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY:
            // Frame window closed, exit app
            System.exit (0);
            return true;
            return super.handleEvent (e);

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