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Class AwtUIMarquee

public class AwtUIMarquee extends AwtUIControl
  // Constructors
  public AwtUIMarquee();
  public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp);
  public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp, int rate);
  public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp, int rate, int dx, int dy);

  // Methods
  public IUIComponent getBase();
  public IUIComponent getContent();
  public void setContent(IUIComponent comp);
  public void setLabel(String str);

This class implements the functionality of a UIMarquee object in an AWT-based control. An AwtUIMarquee control is an AwtUIHost component whose associated root container holds a UIMarquee object. By hosting this object, an AwtUIMarquee control integrates AFC with AWT. Although an AwtUIMarquee control is fully compatible with AWT, a UIMarquee control is optimized for performance and size.




public AwtUIMarquee();

Creates an AWT-based marquee control with no content.


To add content to the control, call setContent. By default, the content component scrolls from right to left at a rate of 75 milliseconds. The component moves by 10 pixels in the horizontal direction and 0 pixels in the vertical direction.


public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp);

Creates an AWT-based marquee control with the specified component.

comp The component to be displayed within the control.


By default, the component scrolls from right to left at a rate of 75 milliseconds. The component moves by 10 pixels in the horizontal direction and 0 pixels in the vertical direction.


public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp, int rate);

Creates an AWT-based marquee control with the specified component and rate.

comp The component to be displayed within the control.
rate The rate at which to scroll the component (in milliseconds).


By default, the component scrolls from right to left at the specified rate. The component moves by 10 pixels in the horizontal direction and 0 pixels in the vertical direction.


public AwtUIMarquee(IUIComponent comp, int rate, int dx, int dy);

Creates an AWT-based marquee control with the specified component, rate, and scroll increments.

comp The component to be displayed within the control.
rate The rate at which to scroll the component (in milliseconds).
dx The horizontal increment for scrolling the component (in pixels).
dy The vertical increment for scrolling the component (in pixels).


If the dx and dy parameters are both nonnegative, the component scrolls from right to left. Otherwise, if either parameter is negative, the component scrolls from left to right.



public IUIComponent getBase();

Retrieves the UI component that the control is based on.

Return Value:

Returns the UIMarquee object associated with the control.


When the AWT-based control is first created, it is associated with a UIMarquee object.


public IUIComponent getContent();

Retrieves the control's content.

Return Value:

Returns the component currently being displayed in the control.

See Also: setContent


public void setContent(IUIComponent comp);

Sets the control's content to the specified component.

Return Value:

No return value.

comp The component to be displayed within the control.

See Also: getContent


public void setLabel(String str);

Sets the control's content to the specified string.

Return Value:

No return value.

str The text string to be displayed within the control.

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