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Class FxColor

public class FxColor extends BaseColor
  // Constructors
  public FxColor(int r, int g, int b);
  public FxColor(int rgb);
  public FxColor(float r, float g, float b);

  // Methods
  public Color brightenColor(int nPercent);
  public Color darkenColor(int nPercent);
  public Color getDarkShadow();
  public Color getHilight();
  public Color getLightHilight();
  public Color getShadow();

This class handles extended, user-definable color objects.




public FxColor(int r, int g, int b);

Creates a color with the specified red, green, and blue values in the range of 0 through 255. The actual color used in rendering depends on finding the best match, given the color space available for a specific output device.

r The red component of the color.
g The green component of the color.
b The blue component of the color.

See Also: java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRed, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getGreen, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getBlue, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRGB


public FxColor(int rgb);

Creates a color with the specified combined RGB value. The actual color used in rendering depends on finding the best match, given the color space available for a specific output device.

rgb The combined RGB components.

See Also: java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRed, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getGreen, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getBlue, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRGB


public FxColor(float r, float g, float b);

Creates a color with the specified red, green, and blue values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. The actual color used in rendering depends on finding the best match, given the color space available for a specific output device.

r The red component of the color.
g The green component of the color.
b The blue component of the color.

See Also: java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRed, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getGreen, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getBlue, java.awt.image.ColorModel.getRGB



public Color brightenColor(int nPercent);

Retrieve a new color, which is a highlighted version of the current color.

Return Value:

Returns a Color that is nPercent brighter than the current color.

nPercent The relative brightness for the new color.


public Color darkenColor(int nPercent);

Retrieves a new color, which is a darkened version of the current color.

Return Value:

Returns a Color that is nPercent darker than the current color.

nPercent The relative darkness for the new color.


public Color getDarkShadow();

Retrieves the dark shadow of the current color.

Return Value:

Currently, this method returns


public Color getHilight();

Retrieves a new color, which is the highlight for the current color.

Return Value:

Returns a brighter Color.


public Color getLightHilight();

Retrieves a new color, which is a highlighted version of the current color.

Return Value:

Currently, this method returns the same color as the current color.


public Color getShadow();

Retrieves a new color, which is the shadow of the current color. The shadow is approximately one-third darker than the current color.

Return Value:

Returns a darker Color.

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