Class UIInputEventpublic abstract class UIInputEvent extends UIEvent { // Fields public static final int ALT_MASK; public static final int BUTTON1_MASK; public static final int BUTTON2_MASK; public static final int BUTTON3_MASK; public static final int CTRL_MASK; public static final int META_MASK; public static final int SHIFT_MASK; // Constructors public UIInputEvent(IUIComponent source,int id,long when, int modifiers); // Methods public boolean consume(); public int getModifiers(); public long getWhen(); public boolean isAltDown(); public boolean isConsumed(); public boolean isControlDown(); public boolean isMetaDown(); public boolean isShiftDown(); } This is the root event class for all component-level input events. Input events are delivered to listeners before they are processed normally by the source where they originated. This allows listeners and component subclasses to consume the event so that the source will not process them in their default manner. All of the constant values defined match the AWT event definitions. UIInputEvent also allows a Listener to "consume" an input (key or mouse) event before passing it to the underlying UIComponent. Also see consume, UIinputEvent EventObject | +--UIBaseEvent | +--UIEvent | +--UIInputEvent ConstructorsUIInputEventpublic UIInputEvent(IUIComponent source,int id,long when, int modifiers); Methodsconsumepublic boolean consume(); getModifierspublic int getModifiers(); getWhenpublic long getWhen(); isAltDownpublic boolean isAltDown(); isConsumedpublic boolean isConsumed(); isControlDownpublic boolean isControlDown(); isMetaDownpublic boolean isMetaDown(); isShiftDownpublic boolean isShiftDown(); Fields
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