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*Package Overview

*Callback Methods in this Documentation





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The Microsoft graphics package provides graphics and effects classes and interfaces. These classes include support for formatted text in any language, characters found outside Unicode, and extensible objects, which are objects derived from java.awt.Color and java.awt.Font that make drawing and text operations more flexible.

Package Overview

The Microsoft package for Java is more powerful and flexible than standard graphics packages because it provides the user with the following features:

Extensible drawing and font objects
A drawing API that's familiar
Support for text layout and formatting in any language
Support for windowless controls
Support for consistent, cross-platform system fonts and images

The Microsoft package allows you to select color and font objects into a graphics context as you normally would. In this way it is fully java.awt compatible, but the package is not limited to only system-defined standards. You can select an extensible drawing or font object (for example, an object derived from the FxFont or FxFill classes) into a graphics context the same way you select a Color or Font, and the application calls on the graphics object to perform its standard operations seamlessly.

The package provides a drawing API that's based on and extends the java.awt.Graphics API. The FxGraphics class includes drawing primitives like drawLine, draw3DRect, and drawString.

The FxFormattedText class supports formatted text buffers written in any language and drawn in any text direction. The ability to format text in any language, coupled with Java language Unicode support and the development of Input Method Editors (IMEs), makes Java the choice for multilingual communication.

The Region class provides support for windowless controls throughout the Application Foundation Classes.

The FxSystemFont, FxSystemIcon, and FxToolkit classes make cross-platform development of standard dialog boxes and other controls easier. The package comes with four standard .gif file system images that are used throughout the Application Foundation Classes for message box and dialog box controls.

Callback Methods in this Documentation

The Java application need only work with the standard java.awt or methods when using a object. The application uses FxColor and FxPen objects as it does Colors, or FxFont objects as it does Font objects. The callback methods are called from the graphics object when it performs a drawing operation, and its selected Color object is an instance of a class derived from FxFill or FxFont.

All the callback methods (fillArcCallback, drawLineCallback and so on) included in the Microsoft package for Java are used only by the graphics object, not the application. The documentation of these callback methods is included for Java developers who want to extend these objects.

The dx[] and dy[] array parameters in the callback methods are always arrays of inter-character spacing values on the x and y axes (inter-character spacing is measured in pixels).
You will find these callback methods in the following classes:
FxFont FxOutlineFont
FxFill FxTexture
FxPen FxBrushPen FxRubberPen FxStyledPen


Class FloatPoint
This class defines a point on the screen and is used by FxOutlineFont for glyph outlines.
Class fullTxtRun
This class manages extended text runs, used when a more complete set of values are needed to define the text.
Class FxBrushPen
This class provides separate pen and brush components for drawing and filling operations.
Class FxCaret
This is a cross-platform class that manages a caret object.
Class FxColor
This class handles extended, user-definable color objects.
Class FxComponentImage
This class is a class factory that provides a set of consistent, cross-platform images that are used by the classes for Graphical User Interface(GUI) display components.
Class FxComponentTexture
This class is a class factory that provides a set of consistent, cross-platform FxTexture objects that are used by the classes for Graphical User Interface(GUI) display components.
Class FxCurve
This class serves as a base for basic curve objects.
Class FxEllipse
This class creates and manages ellipse objects.
Class FxFill
This class defines and manages extended fill objects.
Class FxFont
This class produces user-defined font objects.
Class FxFontMetrics
This class manages extended font metrics objects.
Class FxFormattedText
This class provides text layout and formatting for text in any language.
Class FxGraphicMetaFile
This class plays Microsoft® Windows® metafiles.
Class FxGraphics
This class encapsulates an extended graphics object.
Class FxMapFont
This class ensures that a string can be drawn with a given font.
Class FxMapFontMappingSection
This class represents a subsection of an FxMapFont text buffer.
Class FxOutlineFont
This class produces user-defined outline font objects.
Class FxPen
This class supplies a general drawing pen object whose color and line width can be specified.
Class FxRubberPen
This class provides a rubber pen (typically, a pen that draws a shape or line after a drag-and-release mouse event and erases its previous drawing operation when performing a new one).
Class FxStateConfigurableImage
This class is a class factory, providing a set of Image objects that are associated with system states.
Class FxStateConfigurableUIImage
This class is a class factory that provides a set of images for different user interface component states.
Class FxStyledPen
This class provides a drawing pen object with specifiable style.
Class FxSystemFont
This class handles system fonts (system-specific fonts that are used in graphical user interface components such as dialog boxes and menus).
Class FxSystemIcon
This class provides static image types used in the Application Foundation Classes.
Class FxText
This class performs basic insertion and deletion operations on a text buffer.
Class FxTexture
This class uses images, including .gif and .jpeg file formats, to fill shapes and draw graphics effects.
Class FxToolkit
A generic toolkit class that provides both VM-specific support to other AFC classes and helper objects that assist with tasks such as dialog loading and image loading.
Class GlyphMetrics
This class defines the outline metrics of a character.
Class GlyphOutline
This class holds the outline information of a character.
Class OutlineCurve
This class, which defines the curves of an outline, is used by the OutlinePolygon class to define curves of character outlines.
Class OutlinePolygon
This class, which defines a polygon outline, is used by the GlyphOutline class to supply an array of outlines that comprise a character.
Class Region
This class is a data structure that represents arbitary shapes, and is used to support windowless controls in the Application Foundation Classes.
Class txtRun
This class manages text runs generated by the FxFormattedText class.


Interface IFxGraphicsConstants
This interface defines the constants used by the FxGraphics class.
Interface IFxShape
This interface defines methods for objects that represent a geometric shape.
Interface IFxSystemInterface
This interface defines methods used to determine system graphics and font properties.
Interface IFxTextCallback
The callback interface of FxFormattedText updates the owner object and enables it to modify text runs.
Interface IFxTextConstants
This interface contains constants used in the text processing classes.
Interface IFxTextureUpdate
This interface defines a callback method that is used when a texture is complete.
Interface PeerConstants
This interface defines basic color and text out constants used throughout the package.


  |  |
  |  +--fullTxtRun
  +--FxCaret (TimerListener)
  +--FxCurve (IFxShape)
  |  |
  |  +--FxEllipse (IFxShape)
  |  |
  |  +--FxFormattedText (IFxTextConstants, IFxGraphicsConstants, IFxLocaleFormatting)
  |  |
  |  +--FxStateConfigurableUIImage
  |     |
  |     +--FxComponentImage
  |     |
  |     +--FxComponentTexture
  +--Region (Cloneable)

        |  |
        |  +--FxRubberPen
        |  |
        |  +--FxStyledPen
        +--FxTexture (ImageObserver)



  +--FxGraphics (IFxGraphicsConstants, IFxTextConstants, PeerConstants)


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