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The package supports the Java 1.1 Event Model, introduced with JDK 1.1, for the Application Foundation Classes. It includes event classes, adapter classes, and interfaces for many different types of Graphical User Interface (GUI) events. The events are derived from the UIBaseEvent class, which supports the getID and getSource methods.

According to the Java 1.0.2 Event Model, all events are represented by the Event class. Events are processed by the handleEvent method (and related methods, such as action, keyDown, and mouseDrag, for example). Typically, you override these event handling methods in your container or component for user-interactive functionality.

The Java 1.1 model does not use the Event class (there is a set of event classes derived from java.util.EventObject). Events generated by components and containers are propagated to event listeners by invoking one of the listener's methods and passing it the appropriate event object. Event adapter classes are included for situations where it is easier to subclass the adapter and override its methods rather than implement the corresponding interface.


Class UIActionAdapter
This class is the adapter class for receiving action events.
Class UIActionEvent
This class represents the action semantic event.
Class UIAdjustmentAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving adjustment events.
Class UIAdjustmentEvent
This class represents the adjustment event emitted by components implementing IUIScroll.
Class UIBaseEvent
This class represents the base event for all JDK 1.1 events and defines base level functionality of events.
Class UIContainerAdapter
This interface is the listener interface for receiving container events.
Class UIContainerEvent
This class generates container-level events.
Class UIEvent
This is the class for all the JDK 1.1 events defined in the package.
Class UIFocusAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving focus events on an IUIComponent.
Class UIFocusEvent
This class represents the component-level focus event.
Class UIInputEvent
This is the root event class for all component-level input events.
Class UIItemAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving item events.
Class UIItemEvent
This class generates an event when an item is selected or cleared.
Class UIKeyAdapter
This class is the listener adapter class for receiving keyboard events.
Class UIKeyEvent
This class generates IUIComponent keyboard events.
Class UIMouseAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving mouse events on a IUIComponent.
Class UIMouseEvent
This class generates mouse events.
Class UIMouseMotionAdapter
This abstract class functions as a MouseMotion Listener.
Class UITextAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving text events.
Class UITextEvent
This class represents a text event.
Class UIWindowAdapter
This class is the listener adapter for receiving UIComponent events.
Class UIWindowEvent
This class represents a window event and is generated for notification purposes when events changes occur to a top level window.


Interface IUIActionListener
This listener interface receives action events.
Interface IUIAdjustmentListener
This interface receives adjustment events.
Interface IUIBaseEventListener
This interface is a tagging interface that all listener interfaces extend from.
Interface IUIContainerListener
This listener interface receives container events.
Interface IUIFocusListener
This listener interface defines methods that determine when an IUIComponent receives or loses keyboard focus.
Interface IUIItemListener
This interface receives item events.
Interface IUIKeyListener
This listener interface receives keyboard events.
Interface IUIMouseListener
This listener interface receives mouse events on a IUIComponent.
Interface IUIMouseMotionListener
This listener interface receives mouse motion events on a IUIComponent.
Interface IUITextListener
This listener interface receives adjustment events.
Interface IUIWindowListener
This listener interface receives window events.


  +--UIActionAdapter (IUIActionListener)
  +--UIAdjustmentAdapter (IUIAdjustmentListener)
  +--UIContainerAdapter (IUIContainerListener)
  +--UIFocusAdapter (IUIFocusListener)
  +--UIItemAdapter (IUIItemListener)
  +--UIKeyAdapter (IUIKeyListener)
  +--UIMouseAdapter (IUIMouseListener)
  +--UIMouseMotionAdapter (IUIMouseMotionListener)
  +--UITextAdapter (IUITextListener)
  +--UIWindowAdapter (IUIWindowListener)

        |  |
        |  +--UIKeyEvent
        |  |
        |  +--UIMouseEvent


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