About com.ms.ui
The com.ms.ui package provides cross-platform access to user interface controls.
- Class AwtUIApplet
- This class is a bridge class that is used in conjunction with the UIApplet class to enable an AFC applet to run in an AWT environment.
- Class AwtUIBand
- This class implements the functionality of a UIBand object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIBandBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIBandBox
- This class implements the functionality of a UIBandBox object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIBandBoxBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIButton
- This class implements the functionality of a UIButton object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUICheckButton
- This class implements the functionality of a UICheckButton object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUICheckButtonBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIChoice
- This class implements the functionality of a UIChoice object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIChoiceBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIColumnViewer
- This class implements the functionality of a UIColumnViewer object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIControl
- This class implements an abstract AWT-based control that hosts a UI control.
- Class AwtUIControlBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIDrawText
- This class implements the functionality of a UIDrawText object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIDrawTextBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIEdit
- This class implements the functionality of a UIEdit object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIEditBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIGraphic
- This class implements the functionality of a UIGraphic object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIGraphicBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIHost
- This class links AWT with AFC.
- Class AwtUIList
- This class implements the functionality of a UIList object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIListBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIMarquee
- This class implements the functionality of a UIMarquee object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIMarqueeBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIMenuList
- This class implements the functionality of a UIMenuList object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIPanel
- This class implements the functionality of a UIPanel object in an AWT-based container.
- Class AwtUIProgress
- This class implements the functionality of a UIProgress object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIProgressBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIPushButton
- This class implements the functionality of a UIPushButton object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIPushButtonBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIRadioButton
- This class implements the functionality of a UIRadioButton object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIRadioButtonBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIRepeatButton
- This class implements the functionality of a UIRepeatButton object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIRepeatButtonBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIScrollBar
- This class implements the functionality of a UIScrollBar object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIScrollBarBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUIScrollViewer
- This class implements the functionality of a UIScrollViewer object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUISplitViewer
- This class implements the functionality of a UISplitViewer object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIStatus
- This class implements the functionality of a UIStatus object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIStatusBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUITabList
- This class implements the functionality of a UITabList object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUITabListBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUITabViewer
- This class implements the functionality of a UITabViewer object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUIText
- This class implements the functionality of a UIText object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUITextBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class AwtUITree
- This class implements the functionality of a UITree object in an AWT-based control.
- Class AwtUITreeBeanInfo
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class UIApplet
- This class provides a container for implementing an applet.
- Class UIAwtHost
- This class is an AWT host control that enables AWT-based components to be used in AFC containers.
- Class UIBand
- This class implements a moveable band of buttons.
- Class UIBandBox
- This class implements a band box control.
- Class UIBandThumb
- This class implements a band thumb control.
- Class UIBarLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for a bar object.
- Class UIBorderLayout
- This class implements an extended border layout manager.
- Class UIButton
- This class implements an abstract button control.
- Class UIButtonBar
- This class implements a container for a set of UIPushButton objects.
- Class UICanvas
- This class implements a canvas control.
- Class UICardLayout
- This class is a layout manager used to place components on top of one another, showing only one of them at any given time (similar to cascading windows).
- Class UICheckButton
- This class implements a check box button control.
- Class UICheckGroup
- This class implements a group box control for a list of UICheckButton objects.
- Class UIChoice
- This class implements a choice control (combo box).
- Class UIColorDialog
- This class displays a dialog window from which the user can select a color.
- Class UIColumnHeader
- This class manages column headers.
- Class UIColumnViewer
- This class implements a scrollable column viewer control.
- Class UIComponent
- This class implements a stateless component.
- Class UIContainer
- This class implements a stateless container.
- Class UIContextMenu
- This class implements a context menu or shortcut menu that manages a vector of buttons, one of which is a default.
- Class UIDialog
- This class implements a dialog window.
- Class UIDialogMapping
- This class maps pixels to dialog logical units (DLUs).
- Class UIDragDrop
- This class implements the beginDrag drag-and-drop API for AFC objects.
- Class UIDrawText
- This class manages the display of read-only text.
- Class UIEdit
- This class implements an edit control.
- Class UIEditChoice
- This class implements an editable choice control (combo box).
- Class UIExpandButton
- This class implements the expand button of a tree control.
- Class UIFindReplaceDialog
- This class implements a find-and-replace dialog window.
- Class UIFixedFlowLayout
- This class implements a fixed-width flow layout manager.
- Class UIFlowLayout
- This class implements an extended flow layout manager.
- Class UIFontDialog
- This class displays a dialog window from which the user can select a font.
- Class UIFrame
- This class implements a frame.
- Class UIGraphic
- This class implements a static graphic control.
- Class UIGridBagConstraints
- This class is used to specify constraint values for components laid out using the UIGridBagLayout class.
- Class UIGridBagLayout
- This class implements a frame manager with a row by column format or grid for placing components.
- Class UIGridLayout
- This class implements an extended grid layout manager.
- Class UIGroup
- This class implements a group box control.
- Class UIHeaderRow
- This class implements a header row.
- Class UIItem
- This class implements a static item control that displays both a graphical image and text.
- Class UILayoutManager
- This class implements an abstract layout manager with default keyboard handling.
- Class UILine
- This class implements painting a single separator line.
- Class UIList
- This class implements a list control.
- Class UIMarquee
- This class implements a marquee control.
- Class UIMenuButton
- This class implements a menu button control.
- Class UIMenuItem
- This class implements a menu item control.
- Class UIMenuLauncher
- This class implements an abstract menu launcher control.
- Class UIMenuList
- This class implements a menu list control.
- Class UIMessageBox
- This class implements a message box window.
- Class UIPanel
- This class implements a container for multiple components.
- Class UIProgress
- This class implements a progress monitoring control.
- Class UIPropertyDialog
- This class implements a property dialog window.
- Class UIPropertyPage
- This class implements an abstract property page.
- Class UIPushButton
- This class implements a push button control.
- Class UIRadioButton
- This class implements a radio button control.
- Class UIRadioGroup
- This class implements a group box control for a list of UIRadioButton objects.
- Class UIRepeatButton
- This class implements a repeating push button control.
- Class UIRoot
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class UIRow
- This class implements a row control.
- Class UIRowLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for a row of objects or columns.
- Class UIScroll
- This class implements a scroll track control.
- Class UIScrollBar
- This class implements a scroll bar control.
- Class UIScrollThumb
- This class implements a scroll thumb control.
- Class UIScrollViewer
- This class implements a scroll viewer control.
- Class UISelector
- This class implements an abstract selector control.
- Class UISingleContainer
- This class implements a container for a single header component.
- Class UISlider
- This class implements a slider control.
- Class UISpinner
- This class implements a spinner control and its buttons.
- Class UISpinnerEdit
- This class implements a spin box control with its associated buttons and edit box.
- Class UISplitLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for a split viewer control.
- Class UISplitViewer
- This class implements a split viewer control.
- Class UIStateComponent
- This class implements a component having different states.
- Class UIStateContainer
- This class implements a container having different states.
- Class UIStatic
- This class implements an abstract static control.
- Class UIStatus
- This class implements a status bar control.
- Class UITab
- This class implements a tab control.
- Class UITabLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for a collection of tab controls and their pages.
- Class UITabList
- This class manages a collection of tabs.
- Class UITabListLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for a collection of tab controls.
- Class UITabViewer
- This class implements a tab viewer control.
- Class UIText
- This class implements a static text control.
- Class UIThreePanelLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for three panels, consisting of an image, a content component, and a set of buttons.
- Class UIThumb
- This class implements a thumb control.
- Class UITip
- This class is for internal use only.
- Class UITree
- This class implements a tree control.
- Class UITreeLayout
- This class implements a layout manager for tree nodes.
- Class UIVerticalFlowLayout
- This class implements a vertical flow layout manager.
- Class UIViewer
- This class implements a viewer control.
- Class UIWindow
- This class implements a top-level window.
- Class UIWinEvent
- This class implements a window event notification method.
- Class UIWizard
- This class implements a wizard dialog box that maintains a history.
- Class UIWizardStep
- This class implements a wizard page.
- Interface IAwtUIAdjustable
- This interface extends the Adjustable interface so that AFC classes may implement its functionality for both JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.0.2-compatible Virtual Machines.
- Interface IAwtUIItemSelectable
- This interface extends the ItemSelectable interface so that AFC classes may implement its functionality for both JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.0.2-compatible Virtual Machines.
- Interface IUIAccessible
- This interface is used to access control information that could otherwise be retrieved only by viewing the graphical user interface (GUI).
- Interface IUIBand
- This interface is used to retrieve and set properties of band objects.
- Interface IUIComponent
- This interface defines methods associated with an AFC component.
- Interface IUIContainer
- This interface defines methods associated with a container class.
- Interface IUILayoutManager
- This interface defines methods associated with layout managers.
- Interface IUIMenuLauncher
- This interface is used to launch and cancel a pop-up menu.
- Interface IUIPosition
- This interface is used to expose a spatial position.
- Interface IUIPropertyPage
- This interface defines methods associated with property pages.
- Interface IUIRootContainer
- This interface is used by all root containers.
- Interface IUIScroll
- This interface defines methods for scrolling within a range.
- Interface IUISelector
- This interface is used to manage the selection of child components.
- Interface IUITree
- This interface defines methods associated with tree nodes.
- Interface IUIWizardStep
- This interface is used to display properties of wizard pages.
- Interface IWinEvent
- This interface defines methods associated with a window event class.
+--UILayoutManager (IUILayoutManager)
| |
| +--UIBarLayout
| |
| +--UIBorderLayout
| |
| +--UICardLayout
| |
| +--UIFixedFlowLayout
| |
| +--UIFlowLayout
| |
| +--UIGridBagLayout
| |
| +--UIGridLayout
| |
| +--UIRowLayout
| |
| +--UISplitLayout
| |
| +--UITabLayout
| |
| +--UITabListLayout
| |
| +--UIThreePanelLayout
| |
| +--UITreeLayout
| |
| +--UIVerticalFlowLayout
+--UIComponent (IUIComponent, IUIAccessible, ImageObserver, Cloneable)
| |
| +--UIStateComponent
| | |
| | +--UICanvas
| | |
| | +--UIAwtHost
| | |
| | +--UIDrawText (IFxTextConstants, IFxGraphicsConstants)
| | | |
| | | +--UIEdit
| | |
| | +--UIStatic
| | | |
| | | +--UIGraphic
| | | |
| | | +--UIItem
| | | |
| | | +--UIText
| | |
| | +--UILine
| |
| +--UIContainer (IUIContainer)
| |
| +--UIStateContainer
| |
| +--UIPanel
| | |
| | +--UIApplet
| | |
| | +--UIGroup
| | | |
| | | +--UICheckGroup
| | | |
| | | +--UIRadioGroup
| | |
| | +--UIChoice (IUISelector)
| | | |
| | | +--UIEditChoice (IUITextListener)
| | |
| | +--UIScrollViewer (IUIPosition)
| | | |
| | | +--UIColumnViewer
| | |
| | +--UIRow
| | | |
| | | +--UIHeaderRow
| | |
| | +--UISelector (IUISelector, TimerListener)
| | | |
| | | +--UIList
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIMenuList
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIBand (IUIBand)
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIBandBox
| | | |
| | | +--UITabList
| | | |
| | | +--UITree (IUITree)
| | |
| | +--UIViewer (IUIPosition, TimerListener)
| | | |
| | | +--UIMarquee (TimerListener)
| | |
| | +--UIPropertyPage (IUIPropertyPage)
| | |
| | +--UIRoot (IUIRootContainer, TimerListener)
| | | |
| | | +--UIWindow
| | | |
| | | +--UIDialog
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIColorDialog
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIFindReplaceDialog
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIFontDialog
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIMessageBox (TimerListener)
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIPropertyDialog
| | | | |
| | | | +--UIWizard
| | | |
| | | +--UIFrame
| | | |
| | | +--UITip
| | |
| | +--UIScroll (IUIScroll, IUIPosition)
| | | |
| | | +--UIScrollBar
| | | |
| | | +--UISlider
| | | |
| | | +--UISpinner
| | | |
| | | +--UISpinnerEdit
| | |
| | +--UISplitViewer
| | |
| | +--UITabViewer
| |
| +--UISingleContainer
| |
| +--UIThumb
| | |
| | +--UIBandThumb
| | |
| | +--UIScrollThumb
| | |
| | +--UIColumnHeader
| |
| +--UIButton
| | |
| | +--UICheckButton
| | | |
| | | +--UIRadioButton
| | |
| | +--UIPushButton
| | |
| | +--UIExpandButton
| | |
| | +--UIRepeatButton (TimerListener)
| |
| +--UIMenuLauncher (IUIMenuLauncher)
| | |
| | +--UIContextMenu
| | |
| | +--UIMenuButton
| | |
| | +--UIMenuItem
| |
| +--UIStatus
| | |
| | +--UIProgress
| |
| +--UITab
+--UIGridBagConstraints (Cloneable)
+--UIWizardStep (IUIWizardStep)
| |
| +--AwtUICheckButton (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
| |
| +--AwtUIPushButton
| |
| +--AwtUIRadioButton (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
| |
| +--AwtUIRepeatButton
+--AwtUIChoice (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
+--AwtUIColumnViewer (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
+--AwtUIList (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
+--AwtUIMenuList (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
+--AwtUIScrollBar (IAwtUIAdjustable)
+--AwtUITabList (IAwtUIItemSelectable)
+--AwtUITree (IAwtUIItemSelectable)