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Class fullTxtRun

public class fullTxtRun extends txtRun
  // Fields
  public int dx[];
  public int dy[];
  public int height;
  public int width;
  public int x;
  public int y;

  // Constructors
  public fullTxtRun();
  public fullTxtRun(txtRun r);

This class manages extended text runs, used when a more complete set of values are needed to define the text. Text runs are generated by an FxFormattedText object.

Note Formatted text holds runs of text that are built up every time the ensureNotDirty method of the FxFormattedText class is called (the first run in a block is always an extended one). This formatting determines how the text is placed on the screen. An applet or application can override these values by implementing the IFxTextCallback interface and manipulating the runs when the methods are called.




public fullTxtRun();

Creates an extended text run with an EXTENDED_RUN flag. The x, y, and width fields must be defined when a fullTxtRun object is created, but the dx[], dy[] and height fields are optional. Generally, height is used only with vertical writing.


public fullTxtRun(txtRun r);

Creates an extended text run by using the contents of a txtRun object, while setting an EXTENDED_RUN flag. The x, y, and width fields must be defined when a fullTxtRun object is created, but the dx[], dy[] and height fields are optional. Generally, height is used only with vertical writing.

r The txtRun object to use for content.


The horizontal advance values of the characters (can be null).
The vertical advance values of the characters (can be null).
The height of the text in this run. Generally, the height field is used in vertical writing.
The width of the text in this run.
The x coordinate of the starting position of the text run.
The y coordinate of the starting position of the text run.

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