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Class ClientStore

public class ClientStore
  // Fields
  public static final int LIST_FL_NO_DIRECTORIES;
  public static final int LIST_FL_NO_FILES;
  public static final int LIST_FL_RECURSE;
  public static final int OPEN_FL_APPEND;
  public static final int OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE;
  public static final int OPEN_FL_SHARED;
  public static final int OPEN_FL_WRITABLE;
  public static final int STORE_FL_LOCAL;
  public static final int STORE_FL_ROAMING;

  // Methods
  public boolean canAccessRoamingFiles ();
  public void copyFile (String curstgfilename,
        String newstgfilename) throws IOException;
  public void copyFile (String curstgfilename, int curflags, String
        newstgfilename, int newflags) throws IOException;
  public void createDirectories (String stgdirpath)
        throws IOException;
  public void createDirectories (String stgdirpath,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public void createDirectory (String stgdirname)
        throws IOException;
  public void createDirectory (String stgdirname, int flags) throws
  public void deleteDirectory (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public void deleteDirectory (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public void deleteFile (String stgfilename) throws IOException;
  public void deleteFile (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;
  public boolean equals (Object o);
  public boolean fileExists (String stgfilename) throws IOException;
  public boolean fileExists (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;
  protected void finalize ();
  public String getCurrentDirectory ();
  public long getFileSize (String stgfilename) throws IOException;
  public long getFileSize (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;
  public long getLastModificationTime (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public long getLastModificationTime (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public long getStorageLimit ();
  public long getStorageRemaining ();
  public long getStorageUsed ();
  public long getStorageUsed (int flags);
  public boolean isDirectory (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public boolean isDirectory (String stgfilename, int flags) throws
  public boolean isExpendable (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public boolean isExpendable (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public boolean isFile (String stgfilename) throws IOException;
  public boolean isFile (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;
  public String[] listFiles (String stgdir) throws IOException;
  public String[] listFiles (String stgdir,
        FilenameFilter filter) throws IOException;
  public String[] listFiles (String stgdir, int flags)
        throws IOException;
  public String[] listFiles (String stgdir, FilenameFilter filter,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public void markFileAsExpendable (String stgfilename,
        boolean deletewhenfull) throws IOException;
  public void markFileAsExpendable (String stgfilename, int flags,
        boolean deletewhenfull) throws IOException;
  public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename,
        boolean writable) throws IOException;
  public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public InputStream openReadable (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public InputStream openReadable (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename)
        throws IOException;
  public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename,
        boolean append) throws IOException;
  public boolean purgeExpendableFiles (long spacerequired,
        int flags) throws IOException;
  public boolean purgeExpendableFiles (long spacerequired)
        throws IOException;
  public boolean purgeExpendableFiles () throws IOException;
  public void renameFile (String curstgfilename,
        String newstgfilename) throws IOException;
  public void renameFile (String curstgfilename, int curflags,
        String newstgfilename, int newflags) throws IOException;
  public void setCurrentDirectory (String newcurdir)
        throws IOException;
  public void setStorageLimit (long newlimit) throws IOException;

This class helps manage client storage by enforcing storage limitations and providing access to client stores. It includes methods for creating directories, renaming files, getting a list of files in a directory, deleting files, and reading or writing to a file.



public boolean canAccessRoamingFiles ();

Determines whether the principal can access roaming files.

Return Value:

Returns true if the principal can access roaming files; otherwise, returns false.


public void copyFile (String curstgfilename, String newstgfilename)
        throws IOException;

Copies the contents of an existing file to a new file, with the same flags set.

Return Value:

No return value.

curstgfilename The name of the file to copy from.
newstgfilename The name of the newly created file.


IOException if either one or the other filename is not valid, if curstgfilename cannot be found, or if either filename is a directory.


public void copyFile (String curstgfilename, int curflags,
        String newstgfilename, int newflags) throws IOException;

Copies the contents of an existing file to a new file, with the same flags set.

Return Value:

No return value.

curstgfilename The name of the file to copy from.
curflags A value that indicates the storage area in which to find curstgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.
newstgfilename The name of the newly created file.
newflags The new flags that are set for the file. This value should be some combination of the following:


IOException if either one or the other filename is not valid, if curstgfilename cannot be found, or if either filename is a directory.


public void createDirectories (String stgdirpath) throws IOException;

Ensures that the specified directory path exists. Missing path components are created if they do not exist.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgdirpath The path of the directory to create.


IOException if the directory already exists or if the directory name already exists as a file.


public void createDirectories (String stgdirpath, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Ensures that the specified directory path exists. Missing path components are created if they do not exist.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgdirpath The name of the directory to create.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to create the components of stgdirpath. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the directory already exists or the directory name already exists as a file.


public void createDirectory (String stgdirname) throws IOException;

Creates a new directory.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgdirname The name of the directory to create.


IOException if the directory already exists or if the directory name already exists as a file.


public void createDirectory (String stgdirname, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Creates a new directory.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgdirname The name of the directory to create.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to create stgdirname. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the directory already exists or the directory name already exists as a file.


public void deleteDirectory (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Deletes the specified directory.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the directory to delete.


IOException if the directory name is not valid.


public void deleteDirectory (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Deletes a specified directory.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the directory to delete.
flags A value that indicates the storage area from which to delete stgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the directory name is not valid.


public void deleteFile (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Deletes the specified file.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the file to delete.


IOException if there is an error while attempting to delete the file.


public void deleteFile (String stgfilename, int flags) throws IOException;

Deletes the specified file.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the file to delete.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to delete stgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if there is an error while attempting to delete the file.


public boolean equals (Object o);

Determines whether the current object is equal to the specified object.

Return Value:

Returns true if the objects are equal; otherwise, returns false.

o The object that the current object is being compared against.


public boolean fileExists (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file exists.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file exists; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file whose existence is being determined.


IOException if the specified file is a directory.


public boolean fileExists (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file exists.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file exists; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file whose existence is being determined.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. This value should be one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


protected void finalize ();

Performs any necessary cleanup before garbage collection.

Return Value:

No return value.


public String getCurrentDirectory ();

Gets the current directory in the store.

Return Value:

Returns the name of the current directory.


public long getFileSize (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Retrieves the size of the specified file, measured in bytes.

Return Value:

Returns the size of the file, in bytes.

stgfilename The name of the file whose size is being measured.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.


public long getFileSize (String stgfilename, int flags) throws IOException;

Retrieves the size of the specified file, in bytes.

Return Value:

Returns the size of the file, in bytes.

stgfilename The name of the file whose size is being measured.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. It can one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the filename is not valid or the file cannot be found.


public long getLastModificationTime (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Retrieves the time that the specified file was last modified.

Caution The return value is system-dependent and should only be used to compare with values returned by lastModified. It should not be interpreted as an absolute time.

Return Value:

Returns the time that the file specified by this object was last modified.

stgfilename The name of the file whose last modification time is being retrieved.


IOException if the filename is invalid or if the file does not exist.


public long getLastModificationTime (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Retrieves the time that the specified file was last modified.

Caution The return value is system-dependent and should only be used to compare with values returned by lastModified. It should not be interpreted as an absolute time.

Return Value:

Returns the time that the file specified by this object was last modified,

stgfilename The name of the file whose last modification time is being retrieved.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. It can be one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the filename is invalid or if the file does not exist.


public long getStorageLimit ();

Retrieves the amount of storage space allocated to the principal.

Return Value:

Returns the amount of storage space allocated to the principal, in bytes.


public long getStorageRemaining ();

Retrieves the principal's remaining storage.

Return Value:

Returns the principal's remaining storage, in bytes.


public long getStorageUsed ();

Retrieves the amount of storage space the principal has used.

Return Value:

Returns the amount of space used, in bytes.


public long getStorageUsed (int flags);

Retrieves the amount of storage space the principal has used.

Return Value:

Returns the amount of space used, in bytes.

flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to find the space used for. It can be one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


public boolean isDirectory (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file is a directory.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file is a directory; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.


public boolean isDirectory (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file is a directory.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file is a directory; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. It can be one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.


public boolean isExpendable (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file can be deleted when the client storage becomes full.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file was opened with the OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE flag.

stgfilename The name of the file to check.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.

See Also: OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE, markFileAsExpendable, purgeExpendableFiles


public boolean isExpendable (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file can be deleted when the client storage becomes full.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file was opened with the OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE flag.

stgfilename The name of the file to check.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. It can be any combination of STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.


public boolean isFile (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file is a "normal" file. A file is normal if it is not a directory and if it satisfies other system-dependent criteria. Any non-directory file created by a Java application is guaranteed to be a normal file.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file is normal; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file.


public boolean isFile (String stgfilename, int flags) throws IOException;

Determines whether the specified file is a "normal" file. A file is normal if it is not a directory and if it satisfies other system-dependent criteria. Any non-directory file created by a Java application is guaranteed to be a normal file.

Return Value:

Returns true if the file is normal; otherwise, returns false.

stgfilename The name of the file.
flags A value that indicates the storage area in which to search for stgfilename. It can be one or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if the filename is not valid or if the file cannot be found.


public String[] listFiles (String stgdir) throws IOException;

Lists files in the specified directory.

Return Value:

Returns the names of the files in the specified directory.

stgdir The directory to list files in. If null, the current directory is used.


IOException if the specified directory is not valid.


public String[] listFiles (String stgdir, FilenameFilter filter)
        throws IOException;

Lists files in the specified directory.

stgdir The directory to list files in. If null, the current directory is used.
filter The filter that determines which files to list. File patterns, such as "*.txt", can be specified by using the class.


IOException if the specified directory is not valid.


public String[] listFiles (String stgdir, int flags) throws IOException;

Lists files in the specified directory.

Return Value:

Returns a String list of the files in the directory.

stgdir The directory to list files in. If null, the current directory is used.
flags The listing modifiers for this method. This value should be one or more of LIST_FL_RECURSE and LIST_FL_NO_DIRECTORIES to control the listing behavior, and one or more of STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING to select the storage area to list files in.


IOException if the specified directory is invalid.


public String[] listFiles (String stgdir, FilenameFilter filter, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Lists files in the specified directory.

Return Value:

Returns a String list of the files in the directory.

stgdir The directory to list files in. If null, the current directory is used.
filter The filter that determines which files to list. File patterns, such as "*.txt," can be specified by using the class.
flags The listing modifiers for this method. This value should be one or more of LIST_FL_RECURSE and LIST_FL_NO_DIRECTORIES to control the listing behavior, and one or more of STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING to select the storage area to list files in.


IOException if the directory is invalid.


public void markFileAsExpendable (String stgfilename,
        boolean deletewhenfull) throws IOException;

Marks the specified file so that it is automatically deleted when the storage area is full.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the file to mark.
deletewhenfull Set this value to true if the the file is to be deleted when the client storage area is full; otherwise, set this value to false.


IOException if the filename is not valid, if the file cannot be found, or if the filename specifies a directory.



public void markFileAsExpendable (String stgfilename, int flags,
        boolean deletewhenfull) throws IOException;

Marks the specified file so that it is automatically deleted when the storage area is full.

Return Value:

No return value.

stgfilename The name of the file to mark.
flags A value that indicates the storage area from which to delete stgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.
deletewhenfull Set this value to true if the file is to be deleted when the client storage area is full; otherwise, set this value to false.


IOException if the filename is not valid, if the file cannot be found, or if the filename specifies a directory.



public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename,
        boolean writable) throws IOException;

Opens a RandomAccessFile from the store for read or write operations.

Return Value:

Returns the RandomAccessFile that is opened.

stgfilename The name of the file to open.
writable Set this value to true if the file is to be opened as OPEN_FL_WRITABLE; otherwise, set this value to false.


IOException if the method fails to create or open the specified file.


public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Opens a RandomAccessFile from the store for read or write operations.

Return Value:

Returns the RandomAccessFile that is opened.

stgfilename The name of the file to open.
flags A value that indicates the requested type of file accessibility. It can be any combination of the following accessibilities:


IOException if the method fails to create or open the specified file.


public RandomAccessFile openRandom (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Opens a RandomAccessFile from the store for read operations, with no specified flags.

Return Value:

Returns the RandomAccessFile that is opened.

stgfilename The name of the file to open.


IOException if the method fails to open the specified file.


public InputStream openReadable (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Opens an existing file for reading.

Return Value:

Returns the input stream that is open for reading.

stgfilename The name of the file to open for reading.
flags A value that indicates the requested type of file accessibility. It can be one or both of STORE_FL_ROAMING and STORE_FL_LOCAL.


IOException if the method fails to create the file or if there is an error while attempting to truncate an existing file.


public InputStream openReadable (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Opens an existing file for reading.

Return Value:

Returns the input stream that is open for reading.

stgfilename The name of the file to open for reading.


IOException if the method fails to create the file or if there is an error while attempting to truncate an existing file.


public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Opens a file for writing. If the file already exists, it is truncated unless the OPEN_FL_APPEND flag is provided.

Return Value:

Returns the output stream that is open for writing.

stgfilename The name of the file to open for writing.
flags A value that indicates the requested type of file accessibility. It can be any combination of the following accessibilities.


IOException if the method fails to create the file or if there is an error while attempting to truncate an existing file.


public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename) throws IOException;

Opens a file for writing. If the file already exists, it is truncated.

Return Value:

Returns the output stream that is open for writing.

stgfilename The name of the file to open for writing.


IOException if the method fails to create the file or if there is an error while attempting to truncate an existing file.


public OutputStream openWritable (String stgfilename,
        boolean append) throws IOException;

Opens a file for writing. If the file already exists, it is truncated or appended, depending on the value of append.

Return Value:

Returns the output stream that is open for writing.

stgfilename The storage file to open.
append The value that determines whether to append to an existing file. If true, appends to an existing file; otherwise, truncates an existing file.


IOException if the file could not be created or truncated.


public boolean purgeExpendableFiles (long spacerequired, int flags)
        throws IOException;

Searches for files that are marked as expendable. If files are found and the total space used by the found files exceeds spacerequired, the found files are deleted. A file can be marked expendable by using the markFileAsExpendable method or by creating the file with the OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE flag.

Return Value:

Returns true if files were deleted; otherwise, returns false.

spacerequired The number of bytes needed. If spacerequired is set to 0, all the files marked as expendable are deleted.
flags A value that indicates the storage area from which to delete stgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.


IOException if an error occurs while deleting the files.


public boolean purgeExpendableFiles (long spacerequired) throws IOException;

Searches for files that are marked as expendable. If files are found and the total space used by the found files exceeds spacerequired, the found files are deleted. A file can be marked expendable by using the markFileAsExpendable method or by creating the file with the OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE flag.

Return Value:

Returns true if files were deleted; otherwise, returns false.

spacerequired The number of bytes needed. If spacerequired is set to 0, all the files found are deleted.


IOException if an error occurs while deleting the files.


public boolean purgeExpendableFiles () throws IOException;

Deletes all files that are marked as expendable. Files are marked expendable by using the markFileAsExpendable method or by creating them with the OPEN_FL_EXPENDABLE flag.

Return Value:

Returns true if files were deleted; otherwise, returns false.


IOException if an error occurs while deleting the files.


public void renameFile (String curstgfilename,
        String newstgfilename) throws IOException;

Gives an existing file a new name, possibly moving it to a new directory.

Return Value:

No return value.

curstgfilename The file to rename.
newstgfilename The new name of the file.


IOException if one of the following is true:

  • Either one or the other filename is not valid.
  • The source file cannot be found.
  • The source filename is a directory and the destination is a file.
  • The source filename is a file and the destination is a directory.


public void renameFile (String curstgfilename, int curflags,
        String newstgfilename, int newflags) throws IOException;

Renames and assigns new flags to an existing file.

Return Value:

No return value.

curstgfilename The file to rename.
curflags A value that indicates the storage area in which to find curstgfilename. It can be either or both of the STORE_FL_LOCAL and STORE_FL_ROAMING flags.
newstgfilename The new name of the file.
newflags The new flags that are set for the file. This value can be any combination of the following:


IOException if any one of the following is true:

  • Either one or the other filename is not valid.
  • The source file cannot be found.
  • The source filename is a directory.
  • The destination is a file.
  • The source filename is a file and the destination is a directory.


public void setCurrentDirectory (String newcurdir) throws IOException;

Sets the current directory in the store.

Return Value:

No return value.

newcurdir The new current directory.


IOException if the specified directory is not valid.


public void setStorageLimit (long newlimit) throws IOException;

Sets the amount of storage space allocated to the principal. All callers of this method must be fully trusted.

Return Value:

No return value.

newlimit The amount of space allocated, in bytes.


IOException if the new limit could not be set.

SecurityException if any caller is not fully trusted.


Indicates that list operations do not include directories.
Indicates that list operations do not include files.
Indicates that list operations find files recursively. When used in conjunction with a filter, the directory will be recursed only if the filter returns true.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is opened with the openWritable method. If the file already exists, it will be appended. If the file does not exist, a new file is opened for writing.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is automatically deleted when the storage area is full, if deleting the file will help satisfy a request for opening a new file.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is opened with the openWritable or the openReadable method. Opening the file with this accessibility type makes the file accessible to other principals co-signed or otherwise authorized by the owning principal.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is opened with the openRandom method. The file is opened with write access.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is manipulated by various other methods. If this type of accessibility is specified, the file must be found in a computer-specific local storage area.
Indicates a type of accessibility for a file that is opened with the openWritable or openReadable method. Opening a file with this accessibility type makes the file accessible to the user from any computer that the user logs on to. The file that is opened will be added to the user's profile.

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