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Class ComSuccessException

public class ComSuccessException extends ComException
  // Constructors
  public ComSuccessException(int hr);
  public ComSuccessException(int hr, String message);
  public ComSuccessException(int hr, String source,
        String helpFile, int helpContext);
  public ComSuccessException(int hr, String description,
        String source, String helpFile, int helpContext);
  public ComSuccessException();
  public ComSuccessException(String message);

This class wraps an HRESULT, the return type used in most methods in the Component Object Model (COM). In a ComSuccessException object, the default value of the stored HRESULT is S_FALSE (0x00000001L). This value indicates the successful completion of a method that returns a boolean value of false.

Note To return an S_OK value when implementing a COM method in Java, code the method to return as it normally would. No special code is required.




public ComSuccessException(int hr);

Creates a ComSuccessException object that contains the specified HRESULT.

hr The HRESULT that a COM method returns.


public ComSuccessException(int hr, String message);

Creates a ComSuccessException object that contains the specified HRESULT and a detail description.

hr The HRESULT that a COM method returns.
message The detail description.


public ComSuccessException(int hr, String source, String helpFile,
        int helpContext);

Creates a ComSuccessException object that contains the specified HRESULT, a detail description, a Help file, and the Help context.

hr The HRESULT that a COM method returns.
source The detail description.
helpFile The Help file for the ComSuccessException object.
helpContext The identifier that indicates the context of the exception.


public ComSuccessException(int hr, String description, String source,
        String helpFile, int helpContext);

Creates a ComSuccessException object that contains the specified HRESULT, detail description, source, a Help file, and Help context.

hr The HRESULT that the COM method returns.
description The detail description.
source The source of the ComSuccessException.
helpFile The Help file for the ComSuccessException object.
helpContext The identifier that indicates the context of the exception.


public ComSuccessException();

Creates a ComSuccessException object. The default value of the HRESULT stored in the object is S_FALSE (0x00000001L). This value indicates the successful completion of a method that returns a boolean value of false.


public ComSuccessException(String message);

Creates a ComSuccessException object that contains the specified detail description. The default value of the HRESULT stored in the object is S_FALSE (0x00000001L). This value indicates the successful completion of a method that returns a boolean value of false.

message The detail description.

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